Friday, May 18, 2007

Baby Showers!!

We have been SO blessed by our friends and family!! Jeff's baseball team had a baby shower for us last Saturday night. We had lots of appies and pizza and chicken and dessert. It was great!! They gave Megan her first baseball glove and hat. She was very excited to try it out. Then we went to watch Jeff's team play baseball this week and Megan loved it. She would cheer for her daddy when he was up to bat. They gave Gabby a little outfit and they gave me money to get may nails done. I was totally excited!!

This was first thing in the morning - Megs has crazy hair in the mornings!!

Then my work staff had a baby shower for us last night. The girls totally spoiled us and we got lots of really cute clothes and some toys. Megan was checking out all the gifts when I came home last night. Last weekend we had a great mothers day. We had my parents over for a greek meal and we went for a walk to the park. On the way home from the park my mom stepped on a broken beer bottle and she had to go to the walk in clinic to get it checked out. She didn't have to get stitches and they made it back to our house in time for dinner. Megan is loving the park these days. This week we went to the park almost every day. She cries sometimes when we leave :( Today we went for a walk with Jeff's mom on the greenway and then we played at the park again!! Gabby sleeps so well in the snugli when we go for walks.

We have no real plans for the long weekend. Jeff is working on some landscaping in the backyard. We are getting rid of our garden and making a little deck there instead. Someday we hope to put a hottub there - when the house is paid off!! We are all getting over our colds now, although Gabby still sneezes alot and seems a little congested. But, we are definitely on the mend!!

Gabby was one month old yesterday and I can't believe how the time flies. I can notice that she is getting bigger. She has been sleeping really well and usually only gets up once in the night between 2-3am. And then she sleeps until 6am and I feed her and she's down again until about 9am. She does seem to fight going to sleep in the evening though. I tried to get her to sleep last night from 9pm until about 10:30pm. She was just wired!! I think maybe she was overtired because she hadn't slept much in the evening yesterday.

I think that's all for now. I hope you all have a great long weekend!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Thanks for checking out my blog. You have a beautiful little family!