Thursday, June 28, 2007

Odds and Ends

Last weekend, Jeff played a game of baseball for another team. Megan gets so excited when daddy plays baseball!! She loves to watch his games. We can't often go to his games because they are too late. After the game we ran some errands and went to Home Depot and we ran into our friends there. Megan and Tyler were so cute together and they even had a little kiss good-bye!!
We bathed Megs and Gabby together for the first time this week and they loved it!! Gabby hates to come out of the bath because it is cold. I think we will start bathing them together more often because it is more convenient and they have fun!!

Gabby is doing so well sleeping these days!! I am a very happy mommy!! The last 3 nights she has gone to sleep around 9-9:30 and she wakes up about 5:30am for a feed and back to sleep until 8:30am. Only having to get up once is so great for me. She is getting bigger now and I think her little tummy can hold more milk!! She is "talking" and "cooing" so much these days. It is really cute and we gets lots of smiles out of her. I think we have come up with a new nickname for her. Megan always says "milos" when she wants Gabby to smile(because she can not say words that start with "s"). So yesterday Jeff said we should call Gabby "milo". We think its cute!

Yesterday my mom and I went shopping and Gabby was in her stroller and Megan walked the whole time. She is such a good little shopper!! I am anxious to buy some new clothes, but I am not quite back to my pre-pregnancy weight. So I will wait a little longer:( Then my mom packed a picnic lunch and we went to the park. Megan has so much fun at the park. She is always asking for underducks on the swings!! She would stay on the swings all day long if we let her.

This weekend Jeff has four days off in a row. So it will be nice to have him around!! We have Jeff's dad's retirement party on Sunday. On Saturday we are having some friends over for dinner. Should be fun!!

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Nice to see the new hair-style on Megs! I feel successful as an Auntie! Miss you guys.