Sunday, August 26, 2007

A great birthday!!

Yesterday marked my 29th birthday!! Only one more year until the big 30. I had a great birthday!! First, Jeff made me homemade waffles and custard for breakfast and in the morning we just hung around the house. Then at around lunch time, Jeff's mom came over to watch the girls and Jeff and I headed to the mall for an afternoon of shopping. It was weird to go out and have no kids to attend to, but it was a nice treat for us! Also, Jeff's mom cleaned the house for us while we were out and it looks fantastic...thanks so much mom! Jeff said that I had unlimited amount to spend on shopping!! Although he knows he can say that because I am so cheap and won't spend alot even though I can. Anyways, I bought a really cute jean skirt that I have been wanting to buy for a while now and a trendy little hat and Jeff bought me a yoga jacket from Roots. It was WAY to expensive but he insisted I get it...I didn't complain!! I was really happy with all my purchases. It was really nice just being the two of us, it had been awhile (we even held hands...that doesn't happen much when one of us has the stroller and one of us has the toddler!!). Then we came home for about 1/2 hour and I fed Gabby and then we dropped the kids off at my parents place and Jeff and I headed out for dinner at Mekong. It was a really good meal and we had a nice visit! Jeff again spoiled me and he ordered an appetizer(prawns) and a special smoothie drink. We never have drinks at restaurants, except for water, so that was a treat!! Then we went back to my parents place and opened presents and had birthday cake!! It was awesome...thanks so much mom!! We sure appreciate our parents looking after the kids for the day, what a blessing to have our families so close by, we love you guys so much!!
Last weekend was Jeff's baseball tournement and we were able to watch quite a few of his games. Megan just loves to be outside and seeing daddy play baseball. His team did pretty good, but they did not make it to the finals:( But, Jeff was quite sore after 5 games in 2 days, so he was happy it was over!!
Last week we also had Gabby's 4 month check up at the doctor's. She now weighs 13 lbs 15 oz and is 25 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. The doctor was really happy with her!! She is getting more and more alert everyday! She is really smiley and happy...this morning in church Jeff said she was "talking" and smiling for him the whole time!! (I was in class with Megan). The doctor was really impressed by how well she sleeps...usually 11 hours straight at night!! I put her in the jolly jumper for the first time the other day and she seems to love it! She's not quite sure what to do, but she's happy to be upright. Megan likes to bounce her when she's in the jumper!

Megan is doing pretty good with her potty training. She even tells us when she has to pee now. Although she had a "big" poopy accident in her panties yesterday and it was horrible to clean up!! But, most of the time she goes in the potty. She wears her panties all day long, even for naps now! I am buying a lot less diapers these days!! She loves to play with her new bristel blocks from ama and papa dog (Vogt). She usually asks us to help her build a bridge. It's really neat to watch her learn to play with toys and be creative! She's a smart cookie!!

Notice the cute new panites!! They even match her shirt!!

And tonight we have another birthday dinner for me and Jeff's brother, Curt. His birthday is not until the end of September, but he goes back to university next week so we will celebrate it now. Curt has been home all summer and we have spent lots of time with him and Megan just adores him!! She is really going to miss him, we will not see him again until Christmas. But, he will be living here again come next summer for good!!


Kirsten said...

So glad you had such a good birthday, and that you were spoiled! You deserve it. I can't wait to see your new purchases. Oh man, I miss you guys! I don't know when it will work to come visit, but hopefully sometime soon. The girls are so cute and they are growing so much! Love you Tan! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I didn't realize... So glad that you had a great day! I know what you mean about going out with kids. You keep thinking you forgot something somewhere. Chad and I celebrate our 9th anniversary on Wed. and we're getting a babysitter for the kids. First time leaving weird. You'd think with him being bottle fed that I would have done it sooner..oh well :)
SUCH cute pictures of your girls. Makes me want to pull the jolly jumper out for Cade but I think he's more than a couple weeks behind Gabby. Talk to you soon!