We had a great Christmas and it's not over yet!! We went to a Christmas Eve service at a church in town in the afternoon and after the service we came back to our place. Jeff's parents and brother came over for the evening and after we put the girls to bed we had a fondue for dinner. It was delicious!! I always seem to eat more than I should these days:( But, I guess that's what happens at Christmas time! Grandma and Grandpa gave the girls their presents that night. They got matching winter coats, which I think are just the cutest things ever!
The girls on Christmas Eve in their fancy dresses!
We gave the girls each one gift on Christmas Eve...and they were jammies!! I'm making this a yearly traditional.

On Christmas morning, my parents came over and we opened presents and had a yummy breakfast of stuffed french toast!! My parents went home around noon and Gabby had her nap and then we packed up and headed to my parents place for Christmas dinner!! We were so excited to have turkey, because we didn't get turkey at Thanksgiving this year, so it had been a while. We again ate to much, but everything was SO good! It was a little strange to not have my siblings and their families home for Christmas this year...we missed you all!!
Today, we just hung out at home for the morning and then Jeff and Meggie went to town for a bit in the afternoon, while Gabby and I napped! We went to visit Jeff's grandparents and his cousin this afternoon and then headed to Jeff's parents place for dinner and to wait for Eric and Traci to arrive! They came at dinner time and we visited for a little bit, but we left right after dinner because I wanted the girls to get a good sleep tonight. We are celebrating our Christmas with Jeff's family tomorrow!!
I got a new laptop from Jeff for Christmas this year and I'm blogging on it right now!! We actually bought it a few weeks ago, but I told him to wrap it up and I didn't want to use it until Christmas. It's so handy and fun to use! We don't normally spend much on each other at Christmas, so this was a big deal. Usually we just do stockings for each other.
We got Megan a kids digital camera this year. She loves to take pictures and always wants to use our camera. We thought this was the perfect gift for her and she loves it!! She took over 100 pictures yesterday. Although, most of them are random pictures of things around the house:) Gabby's favorite gift was the baby she got from my parents. Actually, both girls love this baby and they are learning to share!!

We had lots of snow this week and it continues. to fall even now. The girls love to go outside with daddy and help him shovel!! We haven't played out in the snow too much lately because it has been SO cold.