Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Fun

We had a really fun Halloween this year!! On Friday afternoon, I took the girls to the mall for some trick or treating. It was SO busy and there were kids everywhere...I'm sure Jeff was glad he was still working because he would have hated the crowds. You could hardly get around people!! The girls loved it and were very excited to get all the candy. They got so much candy, especially with the 2 of them getting some and Gabby can't really have much, Jeff and I get to have lots!!
Then in the evening all the grandparents, uncle Curt and Derek, Colleen and Sarah came over for a pizza dinner. We took the girls out for trick or treating just around our cul-de-sac and again they got loads of candy. Our street only has about 10 houses on it, so the neighbours are very generous with the candy!! It was pouring rain while we went around our street, but it only took about 15 minutes. Megan and Gabby loved to be in their costumes and they looked adorable!!
One day last week, Megan was having her "quiet time" in the play room and I was on the computer. She came over to me with a handful of hair in her hand and said "mommy, I cut my hair!!!" I couldn't believe it!!! Then she showed me where and she showed me that she also cut her dolly's hair. We had a long chat about scissors and that we don't cut our own hair and I think she gets it now!! And, she's not allowed to use scissors on her own anymore:( She cut a bunch of hair around her left ear and then a large random chuck from the back of her head. I had to cut her hair a little shorter, but you can't really do anything about the short hair by her ear...we'll just have to let it grow. As I talk to more people, I'm hearing that this is not that uncommon for little girls to do. I'm just glad Gabby was napping while this happened or who knows what kind of hair cut she would have gotten:)
We have been struggling a little bit with the time change and Megan waking up too early. The last 2 mornings she has gotten up at 5am!!!! I am NOT a morning person and 5am still seems like the middle of the night to me. I try to put her back to bed and she has some major temper tantrums. I know she is not getting enough sleep (she doesn't nap anymore), but I can't make her sleep...I really don't know what to do?!?!?! If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate it. I find that I am loosing my patience with her more quickly because I am tired and she is more whiny, cranky, etc...Gabby didn't seem to notice the time change at all and is still sleeping like a dream, which I am so thankful for!!!

Well, I hear Gabby waking up from her nap and I better go get her!! Have a great week.


Greg said...

Can't say as I'm the guy to give advise about kids, so I won't try. But glad to halloween went well. I handed out Candy for the first time and had about 30-40 kids before I had to go out for the evening. Next year, feel free to swing by my house too! Although your welcome to do that anytime.

Anonymous said...

I totally understand the early rising since the time change. Sucks!! Jaden wakes up early as well. We are trying to do as much with them at night before bed to make them stay up even 15 minutes longer in hopes that he'll sleep longer in the morning. Sometimes it works other times it doesn't. My patience is stretched as well. AMybe in a couple of weeks they will figure it out. Cute outfits for the girls for Halloween:0)

kelly ens said...

VERY cute pics of the girls in their costumes!!!