Wednesday, February 6, 2008

This and That

Gabby has been a little sick this week:( It started with a runny nose on Monday. The poor little thing has trouble breathing because her nose is so stuffed up. When I nurse her, she struggles so hard to breathe. And then last night Meggie woke up in the night and said her nose was snotty. I just knew that this would go around. Gabby also has been waking in the night because she is so uncomfortable and so the other night I put a pillow under her mattress and it totally helped and she's been sleeping better!Meggie and I picked my parents up from the airport on Sunday. Megan was SO excited to see all the airplanes! My parents flight was a little late and so we got to watch 3 planes take off and 3 come in. Now she asks when she can go on an airplane! My parents said they had a great time and really hot weather. They brought Meggie and Gabs each a T-shirt and Meggie a little bag. She stuffs all her toys in it and calls it her diaper bag. So cute!I just love this picture of Meggie!!

On Sunday afternoon, we went for a walk on the greenway with Derek, Colleen and baby Sarah. It was so nice to get out in the fresh air. It was still a little cold, but refreshing. Then after the walk they came over and we had pizza and birthday dessert for Colleen. It was Sarah's first time over to our house. She pretty much slept the whole time, but I had to hold her for a bit...I just couldn't resist. She is so tiny and cute! I am so looking forward to our girls growing up together.The bump under Dereks' jacket is baby Sarah!!
Megan already adores Sarah!!

Last night I went out for dinner with a few girls I used to work with. It was so fun to get together again and it felt like old times! It's nice to get out once in a while, even if it's only for a few hours. I had to be back home at 7pm to nurse Gabby. Jeff did great with the girls and fed them both dinner and then played. I walked in the door and I heard Gabby crying and I said "oh no, has she been like this all night" and Jeff said "no, she just started crying when you walked in". It was so cute because she just wanted to see me. She crawled over to me and just wanted a hug!! I loved it.

Megan made a special craft at church a few weeks ago. They planted beans in a container and then decorated the container. Well, we have been faithfully watering the beans and now they have started to grow. Every day Megan wants to look at her beans. I don't know what we are going to do with them, but it's fun to see her excitement!
Jeff has been working so hard on my scrapbooking/storage room lately. He painted the rest of the walls and put in laminate flooring and new baseboards. The room looks's probably the nicest room in the house now and it's only a storage room! Megan and I have spent a lot of time in their this week doing crafts and coloring, etc. I managed to get some more scrapbooking done and I'm really enjoying it!

That's all for today!!


Nadine said...

So Megan looks SO much like you in that ultra cute picture of her in your hat and scarf! I love it!

Keith - Kristen said...

I too love that pic of Meg's in your hat! So cute! Hope the girls feel better soon.

Kirsten said...

Great job on the new template Tan. Looks good. I had to laugh at that picture of Colleen holding Gabby. My first instinct was to say..."Sarah can not be that big!" Makes way more sense that she is hid in Derek's jacket. So fun to go on an outing with them.

And I too LOVE the pic of Megs wearing your hat. Oh...when can I visit. I miss you guys!
Love Kirst