Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter and so much more...

Oh...I am so far behind on this blog now! Lots to catch up on. I have to think back over the last few weeks to remember what we have done:)We had a really fun Easter weekend! It was busy with lots of hanging out with friends. Both of our families were out of town that weekend. On Good Friday we went to our church service and it was awesome...very powerful and meaningful. On Saturday afternoon/evening we had a big BBQ with a bunch of families. It was so much fun...we had a great Easter egg hunt for the kids! I was hoping the weather was going to be nice that day, but it was still a little chilly. But, the kids didn't seem to mind.
On Easter Sunday, we went to church again. It was a great celebration! We dressed the kids up in their new Easter clothes. The girls had matching dresses!We managed to get a family picture just before we left for church!
In the afternoon, we went to another friends house and hung out and then went to another friends house for dinner. Busy, busy, busy...but it was great visiting!

Jeff had Monday off too and we ventured to the mall to get our free sunglasses! I won a gift certificate several months ago for $1000 at Iris Optical. We were wanting until spring to get new sunglasses because we thought they would have more selection then. We both found pairs we liked and got them for free and we still have $700 left!!! We are going to give the rest to our parents to get new sunglasses:)On Friday, it was Gabby's 2nd birthday!!! I was thinking about her birth first thing in the morning because I had her just before 8am and her birth still seems to vivid in my mind. I can not believe how fast 2 years goes by. She is such a funny little girl and we love her pieces!!
We had a little kid birthday party for her in the morning and she had so much fun! I was again hoping to have the party outside, but the weather did not was very rainy:( We had food and cupcakes and the kids just played together.

Then on Saturday evening, I had a family dinner birthday party for her! All the grandparents and Malcolm and Kirsten and uncle Curt were here. Jeff BBQ'd hamburgers and we had yummy salads and cake too!!Malcolm and Kirsten came up for a visit on Friday night and left after church today! It was so great to see them again and hang out. I always love my visits with them:) I just wish they happened more often or that we lived closer. We love you guys!Cuddles with Aunty Kirsten!!

Marty had his 2 month shots yesterday and it was really sad to see him cry so much. I hate to see him in pain:( He cried really hard after the shots and even threw up from crying so hard. After a few minutes he calmed right down and fell asleep. He was a little out of sorts for the rest of the day and had a little fever. I gave him a little bit of Tylenol. He weighs 13 lbs and was 24 inches long yesterday at the health unit. He is growing out of lots of his sleepers already.On Sunday night he slept 9 hours at night!! I was so excited. And last night he slept 8 hours, so I hope this is a trend.
Well, I'm off to think of something to make for dinner!


Dana Martin said...

I love those ladybug cupcakes Tanya! So cute! And I love Gabby's smile with you and her cake - what a funny girl!

Greg said...

That's a great Family Picture! Hope to see you before then, but keep July 3, 2010 available!

Carmen Born said...

Logan loves the cupcakes!! Gabby looks like trouble! haha! I want to know why your loving sister isn't getting a pair of sunglasses!!! I want a pair! Love the pictures of the kids.. We miss you!

Team AC said...

I LOVE your green & blue hoodie, Tanya. WHERE in the world did you get it??

tan said...

Hi Corinna...I can't get into your blog, but I wanted to let you know that my hoodie is from Old Navy..and I love it too!!