Wednesday, May 12, 2010

He's a big boy!!

Soooo...I'm pretty excited because my son has pooped on the potty 3 days in a row this week!! He is only 14 months old and I'm not convinced he will potty trained anytime soon. But, I can usually tell when he is going to go, because he cries a little. So I thought I would just put him on the potty whenever he seems like he is going to go. I have a little potty party for him when he goes, but I don't think he has a clue what's going on!!! If nothing less it's one less dirty diaper to change:)
One of Marty's latest tricks, climbing up on the kitchen table and he likes to dance around up there!
He also loves to color these days...
That is one saggy diaper...
Jeff brought home a big cardboard box yesterday for the kids to play with. He cut some "windows" and a door in it and the kids had so much fun!! It's kept them entertained for several hours already.
Gabby running around on the new deck...this girl loves to run(just like her daddy!).
Riding their bikes on the driveway...
The last couple of days have been beautiful outside!! I'm so excited that Spring has arrived here. My mom and I took the kids to the park this morning and we also went on a little nature walk! We were walking along the trail and we walked by a mom and her 2 kids and the little boy was peeing in the creek and his mom didn't even care!!! I couldn't believe it, especially when the washrooms are so close by.
Then we went to Beaners to take Megan in for a haircut. She hasn't had a haircut for about a year, so I thought it was time. She was so good for the hairdresser! She even got some sparkles in her hair after the haircut was done. She also got bangs!!! I think they look so cute...
Jeff and I have been talking for a few weeks now about how Marty needs another haircut. So last night we did it! Jeff used the clippers and scissors for the top. Marty was SO good about it. He moved around a bit because he was interested in the noise of the clippers. He looks so grown up now...
Three little monkeys in the bath...
Jeff and I went to our friends birthday party last Saturday night! It was an 80's themed party. Everyone was dressed up and it was such a fun time. I tried to get into MAC on Saturday afternoon to get my eye makeup done, but they were short staffed. So, I walked over to Estee Lauder and they did it for me! As you can's quite the eye makeup!!!!
Trying on daddy's glasses...
And today I was adventureous and decided to try and make california rolls! I really like them and thought they can't be too hard to make. I think they turned out pretty good for my first time...and they are quite quick and easy! I just used avacado and cucumbers in mine...
Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful Spring weather!!


kelly ens said...

homemade sushi is so great - looks awesome :)

Eric Vogt said...

I love all of these photos Tan, especially the one of Gabby with Jeff's sunglasses on! I hope Marty does not think he can dance on uncle and auntie's kitchen table next week though ;-)

Kirsten said...

1. When did Marms grow up? I love the pic of him standing on the table.
2. I love the pic of Gabby running on the deck. I can visualize it SO clearly. Her endless energy when running.
3. Megs - you are beautiful. I love your new haircut
4. What a styling 80's couple you were! Great job.
5. Love you guys : )