Thursday, September 2, 2010

10 years!!

Ten years ago today, I married my best friend!! What a great day that was. God has blessed us and continues to bless us. I am overflowing with blessings and thankfulness for the past 10 years with Jeff and look forward to many more....I look back and think in some ways, it feels like much longer than 10 years and other times, if seems like it can't be that long! I could not ask for a better man for me. Jeff, thank you for always being there for me and loving me no matter what. Thank you for this incredible journey of being parents together. Thank you for working so hard to provide for our family. Thank you for the way you love me and our kids!! You make me a better person and I love you more than words can say.

A Marriage Prayer

Lord, be in this marriage
In a special way,
May we feel Your presence
Each and every day.
Grant us both good humor
To surpass our coming years;
May there always be much laughter,
May there always be less tears.
Give us strength and courage
To follow in Your will,
To trust You in the valley
As we do upon the hill.
Give us both the eyes of love
So we'll always see
The goodness in each other,
Secure us, Lord, in Thee.
Give us words of kindness,Lord,
Help us both to live
So our lips are ever quick
In saying, "I forgive."
Give us hearts that beat as one,
Bind us ever near;
May our love grow deeper,Lord,
With each passing year.
Lord, be in this marriage,
Keep our love brand new;
May we love each other, Lord,
The same way that *You* do.
Happy 10th Anniversary to you Jeff, I love you!!


kelly ens said...

gorgeous picture of you two! Happy 10th anniversary - what a special milestone! :)
May God continue to bless you two together :)

Traci said...

Happy Anniversary! Ten years seems like SUCH a long time! May God bless you with many more decades! Love you!