Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thanksgiving, Halloween and more...

Once again, I'm so far behind and can't remember all that's been going on around here!

Megan has been loosing teeth like crazy this month. In 3 weeks, she lost 3 teeth!! She is now missing her two top front teeth and I think she looks so cute!!

Lots of fun things going on around here...

She had a Halloween Party at school last week and I was able to help out for it. I love helping out in her class and just being around all the kids. The kids played a bunch of games at the party and they all dressed up in their costumes. Then they got to have a yummy feast of snacks!! The kids were all so well behaved and had so much fun

I even got dressed up and went as Minnie Mouse...

The evening of Halloween, we had some friends come over for pizza and then we headed out down our cul-de-sac to do some trick or treating. We only have about 10 houses on our street and it's the perfect amount! After that we went to one of the churches in town to see a concert by Dougy Dug Dug!! The kids sing worship songs of his in Kids church, so they were super excited to see him in real life!

It's been so nice outside lately and the leaves changing color are so beautiful. I took some pictures of the kids in the backyard the other day before it got too cold out...
Taking pictures of 3 little kids is no easy task....

Gabby starts her speech classes this week. I went to a parent info meeting last week and I think it will be a great program for her. She goes once a week for an hour for six weeks. There will be 2 speech pathologists for every 5 kids. They go to stations like crafts, games, etc. and the kids interact with their parent and speech helpers to determine what sounds they need to work on.

I've been doing some home decor projects around here. I love going to thrift stores and finding things I can redo or paint. I painted a little sofa table I bought a few weeks ago and last week I bought a little round side table that I'm going to paint and distress. I will take some pictures when it's done.

I think I forgot to blog about our Thanksgiving weekend! My brother came up for the weekend and it was SO nice to see him and we got to hang out a lot. We did Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year and it was really fun. My brother did the Turkey and our mom's both brought things, so it was pretty easy for us!

On the Saturday morning, my family headed out to Davison Orchards for the morning. They had all their pumpkins on display!! We went on the tractor ride to the pumpkin patch and the kids loved the petting zoo.

We also went to a pumpkin patch in town a few days later with some friends! It was in the afternoon one day, so it was pretty quiet and the kids had a blast. We went on another tractor ride at this farm too...

I can't believe we are into November already!! I've started Christmas shopping and I'm almost finished getting everything for the kids. They are so easy to buy for. This year, we are just buying them each one bigger gift and then stocking stuffers. I really want them to remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas!!

Whew...ok, that was a blog post with tons of pictures!! Hope you enjoyed them!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

An update...

Life is just trucking along...nothing really exciting going on. I guess that's why I haven't blogged lately.

Megan is doing great in grade 1...she loves school! She has made some really good friends and I'm very happy about that. In fact, today she went to a dance class with her friend as a guest and she got 3 invites from her little friends to go to the same class. I told her she just needed to share her time with all 3 girls. Megs has a great teacher and she I learning lots. We have been struggling a bit with Megan at bed time. I think she is over tired from school all day and still getting used to the new back to school routine. I think things are starting to get better. She actually went to bed great tonight!!

Megan lost her middle upper tooth...she is growing up!

Gabby is growing up so much these days. She just seems older...although she still whines and we are working on that. She gets bored easily and especially when she doesn't have someone to play with. She is so used to having Megan around to play with. She is getting used to her being back at school too. The girls have been playing so nicely together lately. They will play polly pockets or zoobles together and spend lots of time in the playroom. Both girls love to color and make crafts, so I often find then making things in the scrapbook room! I have been taking Gabby to the StrongStart preschool. I used to take Megan there when she was younger. Gabby loves it and it's HER school!! We are trying to go once a week and it's great because I can take Marty too and he loves it as much as she does!

Marty is such s fun little guy!! I can't believe he will be 3 in February. Time is going way too fast!! But, he's still my baby and always will be. He is talking so much and he says the funniest thing. Tonight after his bath he said to Jeff "good evening"!! And then he put the towel over his face and pulled it down and said "here he is"!! He loves to play his little toy guitar and sing Hallelujah. He makes up his own songs. He will stand on the coffee table and sing his heart out. He is such a little boy and he is very active. Thankfully he still naps for 2-3 hours a day and always wakes up happy, no matter what!! I really need to get on potty training him. I just haven't been motivated as he is my last baby and there is no pressure to get him out of diapers. I have put him in underwear a few days and he doesn't seem to get it. I just need to be consistent and stay home for a few days straight.

Jeff is still running or biking every day. I think he has exercised for a week straight without taking a break. He said last night, maybe I should take a day off from exercise!! We even ran together one day last week at the school field. We let the kids play at the park and we ran laps around the field. Of course, Jeff is in WAY better shape than me. I ran for about half an hour and then went home to make dinner and he ran another 10 kms!! He said running with me was just his warm up!! We bought an stationary bike, so that he can ride in the winter. I have been using it too. I'm trying to ride it at least 3 times a week. Jeff hasn't used it much yet, because the weather has still been nice enough for him to ride outside.

I'm still working one a day a week and I really enjoy it. It gets me doing something a little different than the day to day mommy job!! I love the people I work with and we always have a good time. I usually work at the office on surgery days, which means we get a hot catered lunch. I think I chose the right day to work:) I have also starting going to a women's bible study at church which started last week. It's Beth Moore "living beyond yourself". I think it's going to be really good. I can only go for the first 6 sessions because starting in November, Gabby will be part of a speech program at the health unit for 6 weeks. She just needs to work on a few word combination sounds, like "tr","dr", "str". The speech therapist said she should be able to fix those sounds with this 6 week program. I figured it was best to get her the help she needed before she starts school next year.

I have been busy doing little "projects"! I enjoy looking at crafty, do it yourself, blogs. This week I made some modge podge wooden blocks. Jeff cut out some blocks for me from 2x4's and then he sanded them for me(what a good husband!). Then I painted them, antiqued them and modge podged some letters on. I think they turned out pretty good!
I also made my first pillow cover! I watched a YouTube video on how to make an envelope pillow cover and it was pretty easy. I think it turned out well, considering it was my first time really doing any kind of sewing.



Last weekend I went out with a few friends to see the movie "The Help". I would highly recommend it. I had just finished the book and then saw the movie. I loved it!! It was very accurate to the book. The movie was really well done and very clean, which is unusual these days! After the movies, us girls went out for dessert and I didn't get home until late for me!! But, I was able to sleep in the next day!

A few weeks ago, we went to a grandparents day at the care center Jeff's grandpa lives at. It was geared for the kids and they loved it!! The girls got their faces painted and played lots of games. There were prizes and snacks everywhere!

We also discovered a new park in our neighbourhood! It has lots of wood to walk around on, kind of like an obstacle course. We've been going there quite often, especially since the weather has been so nice! There are also tennis courts at this park and Jeff and I were thinking we could start playing tennis and let the kids play at the park. Maybe we'll try that in Spring.

I think that's a pretty good update on our family, sorry it's so long!! I will try to update more often. Thanks for reading!!