Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sick little girls:(

We are keeping busy around here! I am trying to get everything organized and ready to go for when our little boy arrives. We have less than 3 weeks now and I know those weeks will just fly by!I had a doctor's appointment this week again and I did not gain any weight from last week and that was very exciting for me!! My doctor said that I am Strep B positive this time. I wasn't with the girls. So, I have to have an IV during labor...which kind of sucks, but I'll manage. My main concern was that I wouldn't be able to go in the shower during labor, but my doctor said I will be able too! I just have to go to the hospital as soon as my water breaks or if I'm in active labor.
Getting ready for a hot tub with daddy!!

We have been sick around here this week. The girls and I have a pretty nasty cold. The girls have been coughing like crazy and have really snotty noses. I've felt pretty yucky too and of course I can't take an medications right now:( I had a really good sleep last night though and I'm feeling pretty good today! Jeff has not gotten the cold yet and I really hope he doesn't get it. But, I am glad to get this over with before the baby comes. I would not have the energy to be in labor right now.
I took Megan to the elementary school she will be going to for a Ready, Set, Learn program this week. It's a program to prepare your preschoolers for kindergarten...even though she won't be going to kindergarten until September 2010. She was SO excited to be going to school! She had her backpack ready to go with some books in it and her water bottle. It was really cute!! The kids played in the school gym and then in the kindergarten classroom, while the parents had a meeting in the library. I was really impressed with the school and the teachers.

My parents are in Mexico right now and I must admit, I'm a tad bit jealous! I would love to be somewhere warm and sunny. Although, we have had some sun here in the last couple of days!! They come home on Saturday after being gone for 2 weeks. We have really missed them and we're looking forward to seeing them!

Anyways, I will try to keep this updated as to when our baby arrives!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

35 weeks...

Here's my huge belly at 35 weeks...
I can't believe I only have 5 weeks left of this pregnancy!! I'm looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. Every thing seems to be hurting these days and I'm getting more uncomfortable by the day. Sleeping has also become difficult and I pretty much toss and turn all night! But, I do love feeling our little boy move inside my tummy...I will miss that about pregnancy!!
I had another ultrasound last week. It was just to check on my amniotic fluid levels again and everything is really good!! I don't think I have to have any more ultrasounds now, but I do have to start going to the doctor every week now. When I had my ultrasound last week the technician said that the baby weighed about 5 lbs 4 oz. Oh, and we are still undecided on a name...Jeff and I don't agree on anything!!! Hopefully we have something picked out before he arrives.
Today, Megan started swimming lessons on her own. She has done lots of swimming lessons before, but I have always been in the water with her. Last week I asked her if she wanted to do swimming lessons and that mommy and Gabby would not be in the water. She wasn't too sure of the idea at first, but later seemed excited about it. So today we went to the pool and there were 4 other kids in her class and she did great! I was so proud of her for going in all my herself, even in the "big" pool!!We are so thrilled and excited that our dear friends, Derek and Colleen are expecting their second baby. Gabby and Sarah are about 8 months apart and our baby and their baby will be about 6 months apart. It will be so fun to watch them all grow up together!!
Such a cute picture of the girls and uncle Curt!!
The girls have been doing really well in their bunk beds! They go to bed at the same time, but Gabby has been crying a bit before falling asleep. Megan sleeps through all the crying and it amazes me because Gabby is very loud!! Megan usually wakes up before Gabby and sometimes Gabby wakes up from Megan crawling down the ladder, but I just lie Gabby back down and she goes back to sleep for awhile!
The baby room is starting to look a little boyish now. I bought a crib set from a friend of mine and it is so cute!! It's blue and yellow bedding and it goes great with the paint color in that room. Megan and Gabby often stand on the side of the crib and talk about their baby brother. It's so sweet!!

That's all for today...I hope you all have a great week.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Another Christmas...

We celebrated our second Christmas this past Saturday. Eric and Traci arrived on Friday night and we all spent the day together on Saturday. We had a wifesaver breakfast and then opened gifts and then it was naptime and then another turkey dinner! It was a fun and relaxing day. We all got spoiled again!
Gabby was enjoying some chocolate...Gabby got 3 new babies for Christmas this year...even a baby brother doll! The girls just love to play with dolls.On Sunday, we went to church in the morning and then in the afternoon we had Jeff's extended family over for dessert. I think we had about 15 adults and 5 kids! It was a full house, but it was good to visit with everyone. That same night, we went to some good friends house for dinner and the evening. Thanks to mom and dad for watching the girls!! It's always a treat to go out without the kids, it's just so relaxing. Although, that night I had a bad headache and I can't take anything:(
Monday night we went out again without the kids. Thanks to my parents for babysitting for us that night!! It is SO nice having our parents in the same town and we so appreciate them watching our girls for us.

We didn't do anything too exciting for New Years Eve. Jeff's parents took us all out for a nice dinner and then we came back to our place and the boys played games and the girls watched a movie. I fell asleep during the movie (no big surprise!) and when it was over I went to bed. I knew I wouldn't make it to midnight! The rest of them went in the hot tub and that was the evening!
On New Years Day we hung out at home and I cleaned up our Christmas decorations and Jeff shoveled the driveway several times since it snowed all day! The girls played out in the snow for a bit too. In the afternoon Derek, Colleen and Sarah came for a visit and the boys went in the hot tub again. The hot tub is getting lots of use lately!

Today, we went out to buy Gabby a mattress for the bunkbed. We hunted around for a good deal and there really weren't any good deals out there:( Anyways, we bought a mattress and put it in the bunkbed and she seemed pretty excited. Well, she is supposed to be napping right now and she's just playing around in there and having a great time...she is such a monkey! I hope she gets used to it soon, but we'll see what happens.

Happy New Year to everyone!!