Saturday, August 23, 2008

Party time!!

Boy, Oh boy...I am always so behind on this thing now:( We have been enjoying the beautiful summer weather and the last few days I've enjoyed the cooler, wetter days!
Last week, my mom and the girls and I took a little trip to Vernon for the morning. We went to Davison Orchards and Bee Planet. It was a really hot day and we tried to stay cool. At Davison Orchards we walked around the animal petting zoo and went on a little tractor ride and enjoyed some yummy ice cream. The girls played on the playground for a bit and they had a blast! It was nice to do something different with the girls and I think they liked it too:)
This past weekend we found a mini van for sale that we were very interested in it. The only problem was it was 2 1/2 hours away from here. Anyways, we decided to take a drive to look at the van last Sunday and it looked great and was very well kept and we told them we wanted to buy it. So, on Wednesday, Jeff and I drove to Revelstoke to buy it and bring it home. We had a long day of driving, but it was totally worth it. We got a great deal and we are really happy with it. It's a Toyota Sienna and it's champagne color. So now we will be selling our car...any takers?? Here's the new van!!
Jeff had his baseball play-offs last weekend and we managed to get out to watch a few games. It was SO hot last Saturday. We watched the morning game and then headed to my parents place so Gabby could have a nap and my mom and I made peach yummy!! We went to one of the girls on the baseball teams house for dinner that night and she has a swimming pool and we were all loving that! It was such a relief from the heat.Last night, my awesome friend, Jas had a huge 30th birthday party for me!! It was such a great time just hanging out with friends and enjoying each other's company. I feel so blessed to have the family and friends that I have!! My brother and his wife surprised me by coming up for the party. Thank you guys for making it so special. I love you all!! My heart is overwhelmed by the people in my is so full:)My dad, Jas and WarrenDerek & LorenThe boys went golfing this morning and the girls went for a walk to the park!! It was a great day for both. Then we just hung out in the afternoon and went for Greek food for dinner. Loren and Alicia had to go back home today...the visits always go by too fast!!My dare devil husband!!!I hope you made it this far...hope you enjoy all the pictures!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Wow, it's been a long time!! Where do I even begin...ummm. Okay, I guess the most important thing first. We are expecting our 3rd baby!!! This came as a big surprise for us, but we are excited and a little nervous about it. I was still on the borderline about having another one and Jeff felt 2 was enough for us, but God had other plans for our family and we are excited about that! I am feeling pretty good, I still have some nauseous moments but they are getting less and less now. I am 13 weeks along now, so that makes our due date Valentine's day 2009!! Megan's pretty excited that there is a baby in mommy's tummy. She loves to hug and kiss my tummy:) And Gabby doesn't have a clue what is happening...yet.
I can't believe how much I am showing already. My belly really "popped" out early this time around. I have not worn maternity clothes yet, because I am totally dreading it:( So far my regular clothes are fitting okay.

One day, Megan had a her little friend over and they dressed up in Meggie's dress up clothes. They decided they were getting "married" to each other. So cute!
A few weeks ago, Jeff and his dad built a new post in our carport. You wouldn't think that this would be big house project, but was it ever! It took them about 12 hours to get this post finished. They spent all day one Saturday working on it. And it looks great! Now we have to get the other post done.
Last weekend, my cousin Kirsten and her boyfriend Malcolm came for a visit for a few days. We had a great time with them and it was so great to meet Malcolm and get to know him a little bit. He is a great guy and of course I think Kirsten is such a great girl! They make an awesome couple. We hung out at the beach one day since the weather was SO nice and hot! My parents came over one night while they were here and we had a BBQ together. Good times:)
This past weekend, my mom and sister and I went on a little girls weekend getaway together. We had a blast!! It was my first time leaving the girls and I was a little nervous to go, but I managed to keep myself busy while we were away. Jeff did great with the girls, as I expected! He is such an awesome daddy. I am very thankful for a husband who will watch our kids, so I can have this special time away.
We left on Friday night and stayed at my sister's place that night. Then first thing Saturday morning we got up and drove to Bellingham for a day of shopping. And we did just that, we shopped from 10am-4pm and then went to the hotel and soaked in the hot tub. Well, I put my legs in:( Our feet were beginning to hurt at this time! Then we shopped again for another couple of hours and then we had a late dinner at the Olive Garden. It was so delicious! Thanks so much mom for making this happen and for spoiling us:) It was such a treat to not have to worry about getting back for nap time or meals. We just did want we wanted....
Then Sunday morning we got up and just had a lazy morning and had breakfast at the hotel. We did a little more shopping and then headed back to Carmen's place to pick up my dad and then drove home. The girls were really excited to see me when we got home. It was so cute!! Gabby just about jumped out of Jeff's arms when she saw me:)

I know I'm not remembering everything from the last month or so...but that about covers it!