Friday, June 20, 2008


Last weekend, Jeff had a bachelor party for our friend who got married yesterday. They rented some cabins at a nearby lake and it sounded like they had a lot of fun! Jeff took this amazing shot of the lake in the morning.Sunday we had a fun and busy father's day! We had a BBQ at church right after the service and then we went to Jeff's parents place for dinner to celebrate all the dad's and grandpa's. We had a delicious dinner!! Jeff and I were just talking the other day about how good a cook his mom is and that I will never be that good:( I think she is just a natural...and we are so thankful for that!! Jeff said maybe with some practice I could be a really good cook, but I'm not convinced.Jeff's dad and Megan were in a pie eating competition, where Meggie had to feed the pie to Papa as fast as she could. Well, they lost the competition, but they had fun!Our pretty little girls!!I feel SO blessed to have two amazing dad's and one amazing husband and daddy to our little girls! I could not ask for better! My heart is overwhelmed by the love and support of our families. And our little girls are so blessed to have Jeff as their daddy...he loves them SO much:) I just love watching the girls and him play together and they just adore him. So, thank you to my dad and my father-in-law and Jeff for who you are...we love you guys so much!

My friend and I and our kids went for a nice little walk around our neighborhood this week and we got a good workout with all the hills around. Then we let the kids run around the park and play. Here are the 2 youngest ones relaxing in the strollers:)Our friends got married yesterday at a beautiful park that over looks the lake. It was a little overcast, but still warm and a great day for a wedding!It was kind of strange to have a wedding on a Thursday. Jeff took the day off work and then he just has to work today and then gets the weekend...nice little break for him! My mom watched the girls pretty much all day yesterday while we were at the wedding. Thank you SO much mom! We so appreciate you! The girls did great for her and they always love playing with Ama.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I have not been able to get Gabby to drink much whole milk. I want to be done breastfeeding, but she doesn't get enough milk otherwise. This week, I thought I would try a bottle (I have tried tons of different sippy cups). So I warmed the milk up for a few seconds and gave her the bottle and drank half the bottle! I couldn't believe it. The only thing is I didn't want her to have a bottle and then have to wean her from the bottle. Oh well, we'll see how it goes. I'm just happy she drinking milk from another source besides me! So I am nursing her when she gets up and just before bed and I hope to cut those out soon too.

It's very rare now that both girls nap, and today they actually I think I might take a little nap as well! Have a great weekend:)

Thursday, June 12, 2008


This past week has been filled with sickness at our house:( Last Wednesday (Megan's birthday) she woke up at 10pm and was projectile vomiting!! She has never thrown up before and it was really sad to watch her so sick. She proceeded to wake up about every 45 minutes to an hour and vomit again and again... The last time we were up with her it was 4:30am!! Needless to say, the next day we were all exhausted. Gabby didn't wake up during that whole night, which I was so thankful for. Megan was sick for a few days and we still decided to have her little birthday dinner on Friday night as she seemed to be better. But, she was still not herself that night but she had fun opening her presents and blowing out the candles on her cake!Her butterfly birthday cake!My sick Meggie...she fell asleep in my arms and she NEVER does that anymore:(Jeff's mom took the girls for a garden walk on Friday morning. And I went and ran some errands to get ready for Meggie's party. Megan had some diarrhea that day, so the walk didn't last too long:(On Saturday morning, Jeff and I and the girls went to Benjamin Moore to get some paint to paint the front of our house. We managed to get it done on Saturday while the girls were napping! On Sunday, Jeff painted the front door and just today we had the gutters done. Some of our house projects are finally getting done!

And after...sorry this picture is a little dark. The orange fake brick is now a gray/green color and the front door is now black. The new gutters are also black. Then, on Saturday night Gabby started crying about 9pm and I went into her room and she had vomited all over her crib and blankets:( I had tried really hard to keep the girls apart while Meggie was sick, but she got it anyway. She was still happy and smiling while Jeff and I cleaned her and her room up. She has felt pretty rotten since then and is now just starting to feel better. She has been incredibly whinny which has been frustrating for me, but I do feel sorry for her because she is sick. And, that same night I started to feel sick also. I never did throw up, but I had a really upset stomach and I'm feeling much better today! Jeff also had an upset stomach, but not bad enough to miss work so that's good.

This pictures doesn't really do it justice, but I got tackled pretty good in soccer last week and this was the end result. A girl much larger than I fell on me and we slide together across the grass!
We are looking forward to a relaxing weekend, we don't have any plans yet! I'm just glad we are all feeling better now:)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Meggie turns 3!!!!

Today is Meggie's 3rd birthday!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Last night when I went to bed, I was remembering when I went into labor with her...sometimes is feels longer than 3 years and sometimes less. I just love this little girl with all my heart:) Megan, you are such an incredible joy and blessing to your daddy and I. You have such a beautiful, caring, loving heart. We can never get enough hugs and kisses from you! It's so amazing watching you grow and develop your little personality. May you always know how deeply loved you are by so many people and most of all by God. Happy Birthday sweetheart!!!!Today, my mom and dad came over and brought us Tim Horton's...Megan loves donuts!! They gave her Dora gardening gloves and shovel and she already used them and helped me pull some weeds today! And they also gave her a new cabbage patch doll and she carries her around everywhere!! She's one happy girl:)Meggie had a little birthday party last Friday with all her little boy friends! That's right, Megs and Gabby were the only girls. We all went for a nice walk on the greenway and then went back to the park and played and everyone brought a picnic lunch. One of the moms brought party hats and noise makers and yummy cupcakes! We had lots of fun:)Jeff drew a really cool card and left it on Megs placemat this morning. She just loved it!! She is always talking about a moose-a-man (we have NO idea what this is or where she got it from). So Jeff drew his version of this. I think he is a great artist...On the weekend, Jeff and his dad finished off the pea gravel area in the backyard for the kids toys. I think it turned out really well. And today when I mowed the grass, it was nice to not have to mow around the playground.Here's Meggie helping daddy pound in the rebar!!
Megan has had soccer again this week and yesterday her and Cohen were kind of not into it and they would lie down on the field and just hang out. It was actually really cute, because they would copy each other!The bigs kids...and the little kids!!!Gabby is really into feeding other people these days. She especially likes to feed us her cheerios. Here she is feeding cherrios to Megs as a bedtime snack!My mom just emailed me this picture of Gabs and I at Eric and Traci's wedding. I think it's so cute and our dresses match!!Oh, and as of this last week...Megan does not have soothers anymore!!! I was actually dreading this and thought it would be awful. So, for the last week or so I've been telling Megs that 3 year olds don't need soothers anymore (she only has them at bedtime). I cut the tips off again and she was not happy about that and said she wanted me to fix them!! I told her I couldn't:( She took a little bit longer to fall asleep that night, but she has done really well. The night I cut the tips off, I told her she was a big now and didn't need them, she said to me "I'm not a big girl, I am little...look at my toes they are still little!!". So funny! She hardly naps anymore, but has been sleeping close to 12 hours at night and I'm happy with that!

Jeff and the girls are going to come watch my soccer game tonight and I'm looking forward to that! Bye for now...