Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Guests and a night away!

Last week we spent a couple fun days with Auntie Kirsten and Uncle Malcolm. We always love having them come for a visit. The girls were a little shy at first, but totally warmed up to them in a few hours. Marty seemed to have a special connection with Malcolm and is was SO cute!! He would crawl up to Malcolm and just want him to hold him. They came on Monday and we just hung around the house in the afternoon. Then when Jeff came home from work, him and Malcolm went for a run. In the evening, my parents came over and brought us dessert and we all had a visit together.

Tuesday morning, Kirsten and I and the girls went to Walmart. Every time Kirsten comes out here, we always seem to end up at Walmart at some point during her visit! Malcolm stayed home and babysat Marty(well, he was napping for most of the time!). Malcolm and Kirsten went to see some other friends in the afternoon. And then they all came back over to our place for dinner. Megs and Gabby has the neighbour girls over to our house to play and they were so excited when the babies arrived....Daryl and Bec have twins!
Later that evening we played a game called "Ticket to ride". It was so much fun! It's rare that Jeff and I have a game we both enjoy playing. But, Kirsten is some hard competition to beat!!!
Wednesday was a beautiful day, so we decided to have a picnic at the park! After Marty woke up from his nap, we headed out. The girls always love to have a picnic outside. They had fun playing and we enjoyed the sunshine:) After dinner Malcom and Kirsten had to go home:( Thank you guys so much for coming and we always love having you!
I think Kirsten and I look more like sisters than cousins in this picture...we both had curly hair that day!!We have had a busy week with our company, out for dinner to friends, birthday parties and playdates!! It seems like lately that the weeks are just flying by.

Jeff parents came home from Hawaii last Thursday and they bought the girls the cutest little hola outfits... They came over for dinner on Sunday(well, actually mom brought us dinner!). Thank you so much!! Oh, and I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but my wonderful mother in law takes Megan and Gabby every Tuesday for the entire day!! I am so blessed to have her in my life. Thank you so much mom...we love you.

On Friday, Jeff and I went away for the night! My parents had given us a gift certificate to a very nice hotel and also breakfast in the morning. My mom and dad came over around dinner to look after our kids and we left. We went shopping for a bit and then had a late dinner and then went to the hotel. We had a delicious breakfast and sat overlooking the lake. It was so nice just to be the 2 of us and to be able to enjoy an uniterrupted meal! After breakfast, we ran a few errands and came home around lunch time. The kids did great for my parents. Gabby woke up once in the night because her blanket had fallen off, but that's it. Thank you SO much mom and dad for the incredible gift to us. It means so much to us!! Love you. We had a little photoshoot on Sunday morning. Jeff styled Marty's hair with some gel and he looked so cute! I'm off to run some errands now with my sweet little boy. I hope you all have a great week!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

He's growing up

Now that Marty is one year old...I decided it was time to start weaning him. I was a little sad to do it because he is my baby, but I was ready. We did it gradually where I gave him a bottle at one of his feeds. Friday morning was my last nursing session with him. He now has 3 sippy cups of milk everyday and he seems to like that just fine!
Sweet little angel...
Marty is saying a few more words these days. Mostly mama, dada, hi, nigh-nigh. But, on Sunday morning we were having breakfast around the table and he was just standing by the table and Jeff looked over the edge and said "hi marms" and he looked at Jeff and said "hi dad"...it was the cutest thing. Then he said it again in church!! I really love this age:)

The weather has been so nice lately! We have been spending lots of time in the backyard and on the deck. The kids love to have lunch out on the deck at their little picnic table. Yesterday, we had some friends over for a playdate and we played in the backyard and we didn't even need jackets. The sun was shining and it was beautiful!! I love Spring!!My three little monkies... Last Wednesday, I got Meggie all dressed in her ballet clothes and we headed off to her class. I got to the studio and the door was locked. I didn't really think about it, but I guess they don't have classes over the Spring Break. Since I don't have kids in school yet, I kind of don't think about it. Anyways, it was nice day to take some pictures of her in her tutu...Meggie is also in swimming lessons right now and she is doing awesome. She gets more brave every week. She can put her face in water for a few seconds now. Sometimes, we go in the hot tub at home and she loves to practice!

Gabby loves to color...including herself! I think it looks like an upside down mustache.We went to some family friends house for dinner on Saturday night. The meal was delicious and we had a nice visit with old friends. My friend has a little boy that is Megan's age and she gives me all her boy hand-me-down clothes! Can I just say that I LOVE hand-me-downs. It felt like Christmas looking through all the boxes of clothes. She gave me 5 boxes of clothes!! What an absolute blessing:)

Megan loves to take pictures with our camera. Here's one she took of Gabby.
My dear cousin and friend, Kirsten and her hubby Malcolm are here visiting right now(well, they are at some other friends house right now!). But, they are here for just a few days and we are loving having them visit. I will write my next post about their little visit with us!

Oh....and on my last post I got NO comments!!! I love to get comments, so please leave one. Thanks!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Believe it or not...

...we are all sick again!! Jeff and the girls have had colds for about a week now. Megan had a fever for 4 days last week and I took her to the walk in clinic on Saturday. She was complaining that her ear hurt and she was just not herself. The doctor said that she had lots of ear wax and gave me a presciption for wax softening drops.
We've been putting the drops in her ears, but she continued to have a high temperature. I took her to the walk in clinic that my mom works at on Tuesday and the doctor there confirmed my suspicion...she has an ear infection. We got some antibiotics for her and her fever has not returned and she seems to be feeling better. Megs was waking up quite a bit in the night while she had the fever and so we have all been extra tired around her lately:(
Marty and I have colds now too. We are all coughing and have sore throats. I'm just so ready for our family to be healthy again...for a long time!! Bring on Spring and Summer!!
We got our new windows put in on Tuesday and they are so nice! It took 2 guys only one day to put all of them in...we have 11 windows in our house. The windows slide so nice and look really good. Jeff now has to do the window sills and all the trim(inside and outside!). Still a big project for him! I've been looking at exterior paint colors for the house. I think we are going to drive around town and look for colors we like on new houses.
Yesterday, my friend and I took our kids to the park to let them run around and get outside for a bit. It was pretty chilly when we got there, but then the sun came out and it warmed up. We had a fun time!
An attempt to get all 5 of our kids in one picture...
Today we stayed home. I took the girls in the hot tub this morning while Marty was napping. They always love to play around in there. Megan is learning to put her face in the water at swimming lessons, so she was practicing in the hot tub this morning! She gets more brave all the time. I'm so proud of her:)
Last Sunday after church Jeff went to our friends house to watch the Canada vs. USA hockey game! Jeff and I are not big hockey fans, but we were both into this game. Jeff took Megan with him and I went home with Gabby and Marty for nap time. I watched the whole game by myself! Well...Marty watched some of it with me:) During one of Canada's goals I cheered and Marty started clapping. It was SO cute! But...wow, that was such a great hockey game. I really enjoyed it and of course was thrilled that Canada won!

A red-nosed Gabby...
After the kids woke up from their naps, we headed to our friends house to join the others and have dinner together. We had the closing ceremonies of the Olympics on the TV, but we didn't really watch them...just bits and pieces of it. We had a great time hanging out together and the kids always love playing with their friends!
I have weaned Marty off of one more feed now. I nurse him first thing in the morning and then he gets a bottle of whole milk before his nap and another bottle before bedtime. So far, so good...no problems with cow's milk! He usually drinks about 5-6 oz at each feed. I'm not sure if this is enough, but I can't force him to drink anymore than that!
We don't have much planned for the weekend, but I'm still looking forward to it. Hopefully we can have some relaxing time!