Friday, August 31, 2007

The "Farm"

So, last Sunday night we went to Jeff's parents place for another birthday dinner. The food was fabulous, as usual!! We celebrated mine and Curt's birthdays together. We had a great time together! Megan loves the riding elephant at ama and papa's house and I was getting her into her pajama's and she ran away from me and she decided to go for a ride on the elephant...naked!! Jeff took some pictures of me with the girls while we were there. I told him that we have hardly any pictures of me with the girls, so now we have some!! I'm sure she will love these pictures when she is older!!
On Wednesday evening we had some great friends over for dinner and the evening. We hadn't seen Rob and Leanne and their kids since had been way too long!! We really had a great time with them. Jas and Warren were over also and we always have a great time with them. Megan really enjoyed playing with the kids, especially with the play-doh!!
Megan has a little cold right now. On Wednesday night she woke up about 5 or 6 times in the night and I couldn't figure out what was going on and in the morning she woke up with a runny nose. I did end up giving her Tylenol at about 1 am and she then did sleep until 7am. I was totally exhausted the next day, because I am not used to waking up at night anymore. Then last night she woke up twice and so I'm hoping tonight she will not wake up at all!! I think the first night she probably had a sore throat, but I don't know for sure.

Today, Jeff had the day off so we headed to Armstrong for the IPE. We hadn't been in a few years and we thought Meggie would really enjoy it and did she ever!! We told her this morning we were going to see animals, like on a farm. The whole drive to Armstrong she kept saying "farm now". She said it about every 2 minutes, she does not have a lot of patience right now and she didn't understand what an hour meant!! She was a little hesitant of the animals, but was very intriged by them. She saw lots of animals she had never seen in real life before. She even got to go in the petting zoo. She went in with Jeff and she wanted to be held the whole time! Their were pigs, goats, chicken and rabbits!! We even got to meet a goat named "Megan"...I just had to get a picture. We met our good friends, who live in Armstrong at the IPE...I was hoping we would see them and we did. And the girls got to make homemade instruments together!! Megs and I enjoyed a yummy ice cream cone together, always good ice cream from D.Dutchmen Dairy!! Megan even won a prize at the fair, a little purple hippo, she loves it!! We left the fair at about 12:30pm and I was hoping the girls would fall asleep on the way home, Gabby did, but Meggie just whined all the way home and then we put her in her bed and she was out!!
Jeff and I each had a stroller because Meggie didn't want to walk the whole time. Megs ended up pushing her own stroller for most of the time. She was a real trooper!
Here's daddy and Megan with the goat named "Megan". Too cute!!

Meggie was a little unsure of the big animals and she wanted to be held!! Gabby just stayed in her stroller and was really happy and she did have a little nap there too!
Megan said she wanted to take one of the baby pigs home!! They were pretty cute, but really stinky!!Here's where she won her little purple hippo!! She got to pick a ducky from the water and whatever letter was on the bottom, that's the size of toy she would win. She picked a "S" for small, but the lady gave her a medium toy!!

Enjoying the yummy peppermint patty ice cream!!

We had a really great time and I think we will make this an annual event with the girls. It was great to be able to go on Friday because I don't think it was as busy as the rest of the weekend will be. Megs is still a little small for the rides, but maybe next year she will be ready for them! We have no real plans for the rest of the weekend, but I'm hoping it will be relaxing. Jeff is currently working on the truck, he's replacing the I hope that doesn't take all weekend!

Well, I'm off to fed my little one now and I hope you all have a great long weekend!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A great birthday!!

Yesterday marked my 29th birthday!! Only one more year until the big 30. I had a great birthday!! First, Jeff made me homemade waffles and custard for breakfast and in the morning we just hung around the house. Then at around lunch time, Jeff's mom came over to watch the girls and Jeff and I headed to the mall for an afternoon of shopping. It was weird to go out and have no kids to attend to, but it was a nice treat for us! Also, Jeff's mom cleaned the house for us while we were out and it looks fantastic...thanks so much mom! Jeff said that I had unlimited amount to spend on shopping!! Although he knows he can say that because I am so cheap and won't spend alot even though I can. Anyways, I bought a really cute jean skirt that I have been wanting to buy for a while now and a trendy little hat and Jeff bought me a yoga jacket from Roots. It was WAY to expensive but he insisted I get it...I didn't complain!! I was really happy with all my purchases. It was really nice just being the two of us, it had been awhile (we even held hands...that doesn't happen much when one of us has the stroller and one of us has the toddler!!). Then we came home for about 1/2 hour and I fed Gabby and then we dropped the kids off at my parents place and Jeff and I headed out for dinner at Mekong. It was a really good meal and we had a nice visit! Jeff again spoiled me and he ordered an appetizer(prawns) and a special smoothie drink. We never have drinks at restaurants, except for water, so that was a treat!! Then we went back to my parents place and opened presents and had birthday cake!! It was awesome...thanks so much mom!! We sure appreciate our parents looking after the kids for the day, what a blessing to have our families so close by, we love you guys so much!!
Last weekend was Jeff's baseball tournement and we were able to watch quite a few of his games. Megan just loves to be outside and seeing daddy play baseball. His team did pretty good, but they did not make it to the finals:( But, Jeff was quite sore after 5 games in 2 days, so he was happy it was over!!
Last week we also had Gabby's 4 month check up at the doctor's. She now weighs 13 lbs 15 oz and is 25 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. The doctor was really happy with her!! She is getting more and more alert everyday! She is really smiley and happy...this morning in church Jeff said she was "talking" and smiling for him the whole time!! (I was in class with Megan). The doctor was really impressed by how well she sleeps...usually 11 hours straight at night!! I put her in the jolly jumper for the first time the other day and she seems to love it! She's not quite sure what to do, but she's happy to be upright. Megan likes to bounce her when she's in the jumper!

Megan is doing pretty good with her potty training. She even tells us when she has to pee now. Although she had a "big" poopy accident in her panties yesterday and it was horrible to clean up!! But, most of the time she goes in the potty. She wears her panties all day long, even for naps now! I am buying a lot less diapers these days!! She loves to play with her new bristel blocks from ama and papa dog (Vogt). She usually asks us to help her build a bridge. It's really neat to watch her learn to play with toys and be creative! She's a smart cookie!!

Notice the cute new panites!! They even match her shirt!!

And tonight we have another birthday dinner for me and Jeff's brother, Curt. His birthday is not until the end of September, but he goes back to university next week so we will celebrate it now. Curt has been home all summer and we have spent lots of time with him and Megan just adores him!! She is really going to miss him, we will not see him again until Christmas. But, he will be living here again come next summer for good!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

4 months old today!!

Well, I'm sure you are all surprised that I have another post so soon! But, I had to write about Gabby's 4 month birthday! I can hardly believe our little girl is 4 months old already, the time really does fly by. She has been such a great little baby. She has rolled over twice now and continues to try...she gets about half way and just sits there, it's pretty cute! She smiles and laughs for us all the time. First thing in the mornings she is all smiles, especially when Meggie talks to her in her crib!

She is still a real thumbsucker, and right now I think it's cute, but I know it won't be forever. It's just hard to take away the thumb...but Megan still has her soother at night time. So, both are a bit of a challenge. Gabby was supposed to have her 4 month check up at the doctor this week, but it was cancelled because our doctor was put on bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy. Gabby will see a different doctor next week. I am anxious to see how much she weighs now. I haven't had her weighed since she was 2 months old!

This morning we went to the beach and park with some friends and Gabby just sat in her carseat and watched all the other kids. She is really a content baby, especially when she's outside. She does love the fresh air! She is still a little fussy in the evenings and I'm thinking it's because she is over tired. I'm going to try to put her to bed earlier. Ideally, I would love for Megan and Gabs to go to bed at the same time and then Jeff and I can have more relaxing evenings!!!

We are in the midst of potty training with Megan. She has been doing pretty good. She does still have accidents, which is fine because she's just learning. She doesn't tell me when she has to go pee, but I put her on the potty about every 1/2 hour and she goes. I just wish she would tell me when she has to go. I'm sure it will take time. She has also gone "poo" in her panties the last 3 days, so that is a little discouraging, but I have to keep at it! She usually does tell us when she has to "poo". She loves to wear her panties and yesterday I bought her some new ones and told her they were very special and she can't poo or pee in them, so we will see!!

Jeff has a baseball tournament this weekend and we hope to go watch a few of his games! Megan loves to watch him play and has so much fun at the games! Meggie thinks that when daddy is in the out field, he is "hiding" on her, so cute!!

I feel to truly blessed and grateful to have these 2 beautiful little girls!! They really are gifts from God. Even though sometimes I get frustrated with them, I love them so deeply. As a parent, it gives me a glimpse of how much God must love us...truly amazing!!

I have tried to add pictures to this post and it's not letting me, sorry about the lack of pictures:( I will add more next time!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We are so EXCITED!!

We talked to my brother, Loren and his wife, Alicia early this week and we are so excited, because they are moving to Seattle!!! They have been living in California for about 9 years now. (Alicia has lived there all her life). We are so excited to be closer to them and so we will get to see them more often! I still can't believe they are really moving, it probably won't feel real until they actually move there. Loren accepted a job with a plumbing company and Alicia will be looking for work. I just love them so much and can't wait to be closer to them! I have been explaining to Megan that Aunty Alicia and Uncle Loren are moving to Seattle, she repeats what I say, but she has no idea what this means! Loren and Alicia have not met Gabby yet because of the distance, so hopefully they can meet sometime soon. Jeff and I really need to get passports for us and the girls now!
Jeff's family was over last Sunday for a BBQ and Opa came over as well. Megan really loves Opa and it was so cute because they sat together at a table on the deck for dinner! While everyone was over they had to try out the new hammock. It's a real hit!
On Sunday my parents came over and had our first little movie night with Meggie. We watched "Ice Age" and ate grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. Megan lasted for about one hour and then she was done...I think she missed about the last 20 minutes. She really loved it! I was so fun watching her little expressions as she watched the movie. Now she keeps asking to watch the "moobie".

Last week I didn't leave the house from Tuesday to Friday. I was feeling a little house bound and really wanted to get out on Friday. I went to run some errands and I had the girls all ready to go in their carseats and then the car wouldn't start:( Jeff came home and jumped the car, because the battery was dead. I guess the interior light had been left on. It's all working now, except now Meggie says "car broken" whenever we get in the car. So we went for walks every day last week and it was great! The weather was really nice and so I would take the girls to the park and play for a bit too. I feel like it's a good work out because I push Megan and have Gabby in the snugli, so I'm carrying around some extra weight:) I think this is a cute picture of Gabs, but I don't know how to turn the picture, sorry about that!!

Yesterday a friend of mine and her little boy came over for a playdate and visit. We went to high school together so it had been a while since we talked. It was really good to reconnect again. And her little Sam is a real cutie! Megan was so good with sharing her toys and playing with him. Then today a friend of mine that I used to work with came over for a visit. She had not met Gabby yet, so she wanted to see her before she got to big! We also had a really nice visit and Megan loved her because she brought her donuts from Tim Hortons!! She won't forget that!

I hope you all are having a great week. Bye for now!

Monday, August 6, 2007

A few busy weeks...

Sorry it's been so long since my last post!! Life has been busy. After we came back from Oroville, Jeff's brother Eric came home for the following week. We spent lots of time with him. The girls sure love all the attention they get!! Jeff and his brothers and his dad went golfing one evening, and we had a family get together another night. On Saturday we went to Mission Hill Winery. We missed the winery tour because we were a little late and we couldn't stay for the next one because the girls needed to be fed and have their naps. Oh well, maybe we will do it another time. It is such a beautiful place up there and a great place to take pictures!
Then on Tuesday my sister and her boys came up for another visit. Paul is away in Africa for 5 weeks so my sister needed something to do!! We went to the waterpark on Wednesday and the kids loved it. Although Megan didn't like it at first because the water was cold, but by the time we had to go she wanted to stay. We had a little picnic lunch while we were there too! On Thursday my mom had to work, so Carm and the kids and I went to Walmart and then they came over to our house and the boys watched a movie and the girls slept and Carm and I scrapbooked. It has been so long since I have done that and now I am motivated and need to work on Gabby's baby book. On Friday night we met up with the family at the beach and had KFC for dinner and played in the sand. Megan loves to just watch and observe her boy cousins! And last night we had the family over for dinner and I think Carm and the boys go home tomorrow. So it was quite a busy week!
Auntie Carm and Megs at the waterpark!

Jeff was off work Friday and Monday this week and it has been so nice having him around. He did work at a friends house on Friday morning, but not for to long! On Saturday night we had some friends over for pizza and a movie. It was a boy movie, so Jen and I just hung out on the deck and talked while the boys watched the movie. It was such a nice warm summer evening!

We bought a hammock for our backyard a few weeks ago and yesterday Jeff set it up. It is so nice! We put it in a shady spot in the yard and it is really comfortable. Megan was unsure of it at first, but now she asks to go in it and swing! I told Jeff that we need to get another one, so we each have out own hammock!
Gabby is getting so big! We go for her four month doctor visit next week and I just can't believe how fast the time goes. She has been such an awesome sleeper. She has been consistently sleeping from 9 pm to about 7-8am for about 2 months now! She is a really happy baby and I am so thankful for that! I am not looking forward to her 4 month shots coming soon:( I went grocery shopping today and Jeff stayed home with the girls. It was the first time I have gone out without either of them. It was kind of weird, but also nice and relaxing for me. Gabby still will not take a bottle so that prevents me from going out without her. Hopefully soon she will get the hang of it, I will keep trying!!