Friday, January 2, 2009

Another Christmas...

We celebrated our second Christmas this past Saturday. Eric and Traci arrived on Friday night and we all spent the day together on Saturday. We had a wifesaver breakfast and then opened gifts and then it was naptime and then another turkey dinner! It was a fun and relaxing day. We all got spoiled again!
Gabby was enjoying some chocolate...Gabby got 3 new babies for Christmas this year...even a baby brother doll! The girls just love to play with dolls.On Sunday, we went to church in the morning and then in the afternoon we had Jeff's extended family over for dessert. I think we had about 15 adults and 5 kids! It was a full house, but it was good to visit with everyone. That same night, we went to some good friends house for dinner and the evening. Thanks to mom and dad for watching the girls!! It's always a treat to go out without the kids, it's just so relaxing. Although, that night I had a bad headache and I can't take anything:(
Monday night we went out again without the kids. Thanks to my parents for babysitting for us that night!! It is SO nice having our parents in the same town and we so appreciate them watching our girls for us.

We didn't do anything too exciting for New Years Eve. Jeff's parents took us all out for a nice dinner and then we came back to our place and the boys played games and the girls watched a movie. I fell asleep during the movie (no big surprise!) and when it was over I went to bed. I knew I wouldn't make it to midnight! The rest of them went in the hot tub and that was the evening!
On New Years Day we hung out at home and I cleaned up our Christmas decorations and Jeff shoveled the driveway several times since it snowed all day! The girls played out in the snow for a bit too. In the afternoon Derek, Colleen and Sarah came for a visit and the boys went in the hot tub again. The hot tub is getting lots of use lately!

Today, we went out to buy Gabby a mattress for the bunkbed. We hunted around for a good deal and there really weren't any good deals out there:( Anyways, we bought a mattress and put it in the bunkbed and she seemed pretty excited. Well, she is supposed to be napping right now and she's just playing around in there and having a great time...she is such a monkey! I hope she gets used to it soon, but we'll see what happens.

Happy New Year to everyone!!


Team AC said...

Hi Tanya,

My name is Corinna and I've been following your blog for a little while now as it's linked to your cousin Kirsten's blog (who is a good friend of mine). Hope you don't mind! Anyways, I just came across a blog I thought might interest you after reading yours. It's actually a friend of a friend's blog who is a doctor and a mother of 3... around the same ages as your kids. The blog is at Hope you enjoy it!

Eric Vogt said...

What do you mean your New Year's Eve wasn't exciting? We loved spending the week with you guys!