Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sick little girls:(

We are keeping busy around here! I am trying to get everything organized and ready to go for when our little boy arrives. We have less than 3 weeks now and I know those weeks will just fly by!I had a doctor's appointment this week again and I did not gain any weight from last week and that was very exciting for me!! My doctor said that I am Strep B positive this time. I wasn't with the girls. So, I have to have an IV during labor...which kind of sucks, but I'll manage. My main concern was that I wouldn't be able to go in the shower during labor, but my doctor said I will be able too! I just have to go to the hospital as soon as my water breaks or if I'm in active labor.
Getting ready for a hot tub with daddy!!

We have been sick around here this week. The girls and I have a pretty nasty cold. The girls have been coughing like crazy and have really snotty noses. I've felt pretty yucky too and of course I can't take an medications right now:( I had a really good sleep last night though and I'm feeling pretty good today! Jeff has not gotten the cold yet and I really hope he doesn't get it. But, I am glad to get this over with before the baby comes. I would not have the energy to be in labor right now.
I took Megan to the elementary school she will be going to for a Ready, Set, Learn program this week. It's a program to prepare your preschoolers for kindergarten...even though she won't be going to kindergarten until September 2010. She was SO excited to be going to school! She had her backpack ready to go with some books in it and her water bottle. It was really cute!! The kids played in the school gym and then in the kindergarten classroom, while the parents had a meeting in the library. I was really impressed with the school and the teachers.

My parents are in Mexico right now and I must admit, I'm a tad bit jealous! I would love to be somewhere warm and sunny. Although, we have had some sun here in the last couple of days!! They come home on Saturday after being gone for 2 weeks. We have really missed them and we're looking forward to seeing them!

Anyways, I will try to keep this updated as to when our baby arrives!!

1 comment:

Greg said...

I'll keep watching to see when excitement happens. See you next month!