Monday, February 20, 2012


I know another month has gone by, but finally I have a few minutes to sit down and write a post with some pictures!

Happy 3rd Birthday sweet boy!!

February has been a busy month already. We made and decorated some Valentine's cookies. The kids love helping in the kitchen and especially decorating with treats:)

Gabby trying on my new hat! I love it!!

Marty's trying on daddy's new helmut!!

Jeff has signed up to ride the Gran Fondo ride from Penticton to Osoyoos this summer. It is a 160km bike ride! He absolutely loves to bike, so he's pretty excited about doing it. He is also planning to run a half marathon for the first time this Spring. He has been running quite a bit through the winter. Last weekend he ran with his friend and they did 24km...that is the furthest he has ever run! I'm pretty proud of him:) I wish I had some of his motivation...

Then we were making lots of Valentine's cards and cupcakes for Megan's class. I saw this idea on pinterest to make mini cupcakes and put them in a cup. We made one for each of the kids in Megan's class. She wrote out all the Valentine's cards herself and she did a great job. She was so excited to give them to everyone!

Another pinterest idea...these are amazing!! So easy to make. Just square pretzels, a hershey hug and a smartie. It's the perfect mix of sweet and salty:)

And this past weekend we celebrated Marty's 3rd birthday!! I still can't believe my baby is 3!! It makes me a little sad to see how fast he is growing up.

Marty's birthday morning breakfast!! Megan had a pro-D day on his birthday, so it was great to have her home too. Teddy Bear pancakes and I let them decorate them with a few chocolate chips...they were in heaven:)

Marty's gift from us...a fireman uniform!

We had a Fire Truck Theme party. He loves fire trucks and gets so excited when we see one! Jeff painted a little brick wall for the background and I think it turned out pretty good.

We had homemade Mac N Cheese and Sausages(Marty's favorite meal)! And some appies and, of course, cupcakes for dessert.

We had 14 kids and 10 adults for the party! And that is with 3 families not able to make it. We had a full house, but it was so much fun!!

Shortly after the party, Jeff and I weren't feeling so great. Last weekend Megan had the flu and Gabby had it during the I thought we were over it. Well, we weren't so lucky. We were up a lot during the night and felt awful and just hung around the house trying to recover yesterday. But, today we are both feeling pretty good!! Thankful for that:)

So that's an update for now! Hope there are still a few readers out there:)