Monday, February 20, 2012


I know another month has gone by, but finally I have a few minutes to sit down and write a post with some pictures!

Happy 3rd Birthday sweet boy!!

February has been a busy month already. We made and decorated some Valentine's cookies. The kids love helping in the kitchen and especially decorating with treats:)

Gabby trying on my new hat! I love it!!

Marty's trying on daddy's new helmut!!

Jeff has signed up to ride the Gran Fondo ride from Penticton to Osoyoos this summer. It is a 160km bike ride! He absolutely loves to bike, so he's pretty excited about doing it. He is also planning to run a half marathon for the first time this Spring. He has been running quite a bit through the winter. Last weekend he ran with his friend and they did 24km...that is the furthest he has ever run! I'm pretty proud of him:) I wish I had some of his motivation...

Then we were making lots of Valentine's cards and cupcakes for Megan's class. I saw this idea on pinterest to make mini cupcakes and put them in a cup. We made one for each of the kids in Megan's class. She wrote out all the Valentine's cards herself and she did a great job. She was so excited to give them to everyone!

Another pinterest idea...these are amazing!! So easy to make. Just square pretzels, a hershey hug and a smartie. It's the perfect mix of sweet and salty:)

And this past weekend we celebrated Marty's 3rd birthday!! I still can't believe my baby is 3!! It makes me a little sad to see how fast he is growing up.

Marty's birthday morning breakfast!! Megan had a pro-D day on his birthday, so it was great to have her home too. Teddy Bear pancakes and I let them decorate them with a few chocolate chips...they were in heaven:)

Marty's gift from us...a fireman uniform!

We had a Fire Truck Theme party. He loves fire trucks and gets so excited when we see one! Jeff painted a little brick wall for the background and I think it turned out pretty good.

We had homemade Mac N Cheese and Sausages(Marty's favorite meal)! And some appies and, of course, cupcakes for dessert.

We had 14 kids and 10 adults for the party! And that is with 3 families not able to make it. We had a full house, but it was so much fun!!

Shortly after the party, Jeff and I weren't feeling so great. Last weekend Megan had the flu and Gabby had it during the I thought we were over it. Well, we weren't so lucky. We were up a lot during the night and felt awful and just hung around the house trying to recover yesterday. But, today we are both feeling pretty good!! Thankful for that:)

So that's an update for now! Hope there are still a few readers out there:)


kelly ens said...

great pics! Happy Birthday to Marty - what a handsome little guy he is :)
three cheers for Jeff - that's quite a ride; i've passed that race before via car :) made me tired watching them! :D

Kirsten said...

Oh Marty, you are precious! I love the 2nd to last picture. His little grin is so cute. Great job with the party Tan, and crafty things with the kiddos.

My aunt did that bike ride this last year. Crazy stuff. Way to go Jeff!

Greg said...

Still reading! Looks like lots of fun. I'm amazed how quickly 4 months have gone by, can't imagine it in years yet.

Traci said...

Tan, Marty's party decorations were so cute! You are so cute and creative. Love the updates. miss you guys like crazy.