Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Our Little Vacation...lots of pictures!

The view from the picnic table!

We spent this past weekend at Jeff's great aunt and uncles house in Oroville. It is a fantastic place right on the lake. We had a very relaxing little vacation. We went with Jeff's parents and brothers. It was great because there were so many people there to look after the girls! So then I could relax a little. The girls did amazingly well. They really impressed me there. I was a little worried about the whole sleep thing and they did great! Megan was always excited to go to sleep in her playpen and she slept great for night time and naps. And Gabby sleeps good pretty much anywhere, but it was great to have her stroller along to rock her to sleep. The house has a basement suite and we stay there and Jeff's parents stay in their camper and his brothers stay in the cabin. The basement suite is great for us, although it is one big room and Gabby is a noisy sleeper, so I put her in the kitchen to sleep! We would put them to bed and then hang out on the deck in the evenings, so peaceful right on the lake. I just love these pictures with Megs and daddy!!
We brought Megan's Dora theater projector toy along. She calls it "dodo toy". It projects a story with slides on the ceiling. She likes to watch it before bed. It was a gift from uncle Curt. The one night Eric and Curt lied in bed and watched it with her, it was so cute!! Megan gets so excited when she watches it, she just lights up!I love her hair in this picture, so many curls after her bath!

The weekend weather was forecast to be rainy, but we had no rain!! It was so nice and warm pretty much the whole time. We were thankful for that! Megan loved to play on the beach. She spent most of the weekend at the beach making "soup" in her pail and throwing rocks in the lake. She had lots of fun playing on the beach with her uncles!! Gabby got to meet her uncle Eric for the first time this weekend, so it was nice for him to finally met her and play with her!
Megs throwing rocks with uncle Eric in her pajamas!

Jeff and his brothers had lots of fun in the water. They would jump of the dock and try to catch the frisbee. This game went on for a long time, but they had a good time. They also played lots of Carcasone(sp?), boy do they love that game. Of course we took lots of pictures!
I was able to read lots of magazines and sit on the beach this weekend, so nice for me!! We also had some great food... food is such a big part of a vacation!! We went to Prince's for a little bit of shopping because the US dollar is so good. We didn't buy much, but it was fun to look. Believe it or not we ran into an old friend of Jeff's at Prince's in Oroville. He is also from Kelowna, small world!

We had a fire on the beach the one evening and it was so nice! We roasted marshmellows for smores! A must when you are camping!
Uncle Eric came home for this next week and so I'm sure we will see lots of him! I think the boys are going golfing tonight and tomorrow we have a potluck dinner with some other relatives also. Megan will get to play with her second cousin. She hasn't seen him since Christmas, so they will have fun together!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

It's raining today!!

We have been really enjoying the hot weather, but today it's been pouring rain and I love it!!! It's just nice to have a change once in a while. Although we were looking forward to warm weather this week because my sister's family is here and we wanted to do outside stuff with the kids, oh well!! I also would like the weather to be a little nicer for this weekend when we go to Oroville for a little vacation.

Megan got stuck in her bed this week and she was crying and Jeff said to her "just wait a minute I have to get the camera". So she stayed stuck for a few extra minutes to he could take pictures!!!
We had an extended family dinner last week with Jeff's family as his aunt and uncle were visiting. It was nice to see everyone again. Megan and Gabby are always the center of attention at these things!!

Last Friday night Jeff went out with some of his friends for a poker night and I of course stayed home!! I had a friend over for the evening and we watched a "girly" movie!! It was so much fun, we just chatted and watched the movie and the kids were in bed, so it was great. We are going to do that more often. Jeff came home late and I was already in bed, but in the morning he told me that he won $75 at poker!! He was very happy with that.

On Saturday we went to watch Jeff's brother play in a tennis tournement. It was really hot and he played tennis all day long!!! He and his tennis partner won the tournement. It was great!! Then we went back to Jeff's parents house for a BBQ. Yummy steaks!! On Sunday we went to Jeff's cousins wedding open house and then visited with my parents in the evening. (after writing this, it sounds like all we do is hang out with our families!!!) I guess that's true. Jeff's parents got a new car on the weekend, so here is dad and Megs posing for the camera.
My sister and her family are here until tomorrow and we are having them over for a BBQ tonight. Megan loves to play with her cousins. She is starting to play together with other kids now, she especially likes kids a little older than her and she follows what they are doing!! She played with the 2 neighbour girls the other night and she had so much fun!!
Well, I am off to make a dessert and salad for tonight!! Bye for now.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Daddy's little girls

Megan just loves to be with daddy these days out in the yard. We are constantly watering our cedars, maple trees and newly seeded grass because the weather is so HOT. Megan loves to be outside and she is daddy's little helper. I can't believe the hot weather lately, it's almost too hot. This morning we had some friends over to play and it was already hot at 10:30am in the shade!!!! Needless to say we are spending lots of time in the kiddie pool and at the beach.
On Saturday we went to Derek and Colleen's place so Jeff could help Derek do some electrical work and Colleen and I and the girls just hung out. She made us all a really nice lunch!! Then on Sunday afternoon we went to the beach with my parents and Jeff went for a swim in the lake and he said it was pretty warm. I haven't ventured into the lake yet!! Megan will go in to about her knees and then runs back out. She would rather sit on the beach and play with the sand.
Megan loves to be wrapped up in her towel after her bath or shower and she says "sausage baby". Too cute!!
Gabby has been such a happy little baby lately!! She smiles and "talks" all the time. She loves to have lots of attention. She has been sleeping so great. Lately she has been sleeping 9-10 hours in a row at night. I don't even hear a "peep" out of her. I hope that continues!!!!
Next weekend we are going to Oroville with Jeff's family. We went last summer, so I think we will make this an annual vacation. We stay with Jeff's great aunt and uncle, they have a house on the lake. We even get our own suite in the house!! I hope the weather stays nice!! I'm hoping the girls sleep good there. We are all in one big room so it will be interesting!! Jeff's brother, Eric will be meeting Gabby for the first time. Megan is going to have a blast there with her uncles and ama and papa for the whole weekend!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

It is HOT....

We are enjoying the really hot weather here the last few days. We have to take advantage of it while we have it. Yesterday my mom, Megs, Gabby and I went to the beach and Megs loves it there! She liked to go in the water even though it was chilly. She likes to make sand castles and dig in the sand. She also went the beach the day before with Jeff's parents. They picked her up in the morning and took her to the beach. I saw some pictures and it looked it she had a great time. I guess she fell in the water and she got up and just laughed. I guess that's good, but scary that she has no fear!! And today we went the the waterpark with some friends. Megan was a little hesitant at first of all the sprinklers, but she quickly got used to it. They have a little water slide at the waterpark and she refused to go down it!!
We had a busy weekend last week. Jeff's dad had his retirement party on Sunday and his parents had lots of friends and family over for dinner. It was really nice!! I thought maybe Megs would be overwhelmed by all the people, but she loved it!! She was the center of attention. We stayed at their house a little late and Megan didn't get to bed until 9:30pm (she usually goes to bed at 7:30pm). She did really well, but the next morning she was SO whinny. Oh well, those days are few and far between. Then on Saturday we went to a parade on the Westside with some friends. The parade was really not very good, but the kids thought it was great!! Megan mostly liked to look at the balloons. Gabby was really fussy at the parade because she was overtired. So I took her away from the people and tried to calm her down. She did finally fall asleep just before the parade ended. Jeff had four days off this past weekend and it was nice to just relax. We had some friends over for dinner on Saturday night for a BBQ and just hung out!!
I took some cute pictures of Megan in this dress she got from Ama and Papa Vogt from Mexico. It is nice and cool for these hot days!!
Well, Gabby is officially a thumb-sucker!! I have tried and tried to give her the soother, but she just spits it out and in her little thumb goes. It looks so cute right now because her thumb is so tiny, but you can't take the thumb away, so that worries me a little bit. Oh well, I can't stop her from doing it at this age. She is still sleeping really well..usually from 9:30pm to 5:30am and feeds and then back to sleep until 9:00am or so. Sometimes I'm amazed how she can sleep through all Megan's noise!! She doesn't really like to be on her tummy, but I'm trying to do it more often so she get used to it. Yesterday she did really well and liked to look at everything around her. I can't believe how big she is getting!!
Jeff planted some trees in our yard over the weekend. We got 3 maple trees from his parents house, since their maple trees had reproduced. We planted 2 in the front yard and one in the back. They are looking a little sad right now because they have been moved and it is really hot!! Hopefully they will survive. Jeff took this picture of Megs beside one of the trees to show how small it is and we can watch it grow!!
We also went the park last night to play on the swings for a little bit. It was so hot still at about 6:30pm!!!

Sorry for the long post, but it had been awhile!! Bye for now.