Thursday, July 12, 2007

Daddy's little girls

Megan just loves to be with daddy these days out in the yard. We are constantly watering our cedars, maple trees and newly seeded grass because the weather is so HOT. Megan loves to be outside and she is daddy's little helper. I can't believe the hot weather lately, it's almost too hot. This morning we had some friends over to play and it was already hot at 10:30am in the shade!!!! Needless to say we are spending lots of time in the kiddie pool and at the beach.
On Saturday we went to Derek and Colleen's place so Jeff could help Derek do some electrical work and Colleen and I and the girls just hung out. She made us all a really nice lunch!! Then on Sunday afternoon we went to the beach with my parents and Jeff went for a swim in the lake and he said it was pretty warm. I haven't ventured into the lake yet!! Megan will go in to about her knees and then runs back out. She would rather sit on the beach and play with the sand.
Megan loves to be wrapped up in her towel after her bath or shower and she says "sausage baby". Too cute!!
Gabby has been such a happy little baby lately!! She smiles and "talks" all the time. She loves to have lots of attention. She has been sleeping so great. Lately she has been sleeping 9-10 hours in a row at night. I don't even hear a "peep" out of her. I hope that continues!!!!
Next weekend we are going to Oroville with Jeff's family. We went last summer, so I think we will make this an annual vacation. We stay with Jeff's great aunt and uncle, they have a house on the lake. We even get our own suite in the house!! I hope the weather stays nice!! I'm hoping the girls sleep good there. We are all in one big room so it will be interesting!! Jeff's brother, Eric will be meeting Gabby for the first time. Megan is going to have a blast there with her uncles and ama and papa for the whole weekend!!

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