Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jeff turns 30!!!

Yesterday was Jeff's 30th birthday!!! We had a big party with lots of friends and everyone brought appies and I made desserts and we had fun just hanging out. The boys played poker for a while and the girls sat around and chatted. So, Jeff is finally as old as me now. Then today his parents had a birthday dinner for him and it was of course delicious!! And believe it or not, I totally forgot to take any pictures at his party:(Megan and Gabby had their first sleepover at my parents place last night. I was a little nervous about how they would do, but it went great!! It took a little longer for Megan to fall asleep and then she woke up at 5:30 to pee and then my mom went and slept with her for another hour. Gabby was great and slept her usual 7:30pm-7:30am. They had mac and cheese for dinner and had lots of fun playing the grandma and grandpa. I'm glad it went so well!! Thanks so much mom and dad for doing that for us...we really appreciate it.
We got bunk beds for the girls this week. Jeff put them together on Tuesday, as he had the day off! I thought we would try to put Megan on the top bunk and see how things went. I actually didn't think she would want to sleep up there yet, but she has been great!! She understands that it's her bed and soon Gabby will sleep on the bottom bunk. She has no problem getting down on the ladder, which is great if she needs to go to the bathroom!
On Friday night we had a birthday party for Jeff's grandma. There were lots of relatives and some that I had never even met before. It was great to all be together and I think it was really special for grandma to have so many people share the day with her.

Last Thursday I had a doctor's appointment to review my blood work from way back when I was exposed to 5th disease. It turns out that I was exposed to the virus and I did have it as well. So, therefore the baby was exposed and it can be dangerous to the baby. I was kind of in shock because it was 10 weeks ago that Gabby had 5th disease and I hadn't heard from the doctor and just assumed that no news was good news. My doctor said that the virus can affect the baby up to 12 weeks after the initial exposure. I was schedule for an emergency ultrasound the next day to check on the baby. They were looking for a condition called hydrops that can affect the baby's heart and cause swelling. Anyways, the news really scared me and I think I cried most of the day on Thursday. We had the ultrasound on Friday and the technician could not tell us anything...although she said if there was something serious your doctor would call that same day and I didn't hear anything. The technician said if there was a problem it would be quite obvious. She showed us the baby and the heart and everything and to us everything looked good. But, I'm still anxious to hear from my doctor. I'm feeling a bit better about things after the ultrasound, but I'm still such a worrier:( I now have more blood work to get done and another ultrasound next Friday. We just continue to pray that God will take care of our little boy and trust that he is in God's hands. Thanks to all of you who have been praying for us!

And now I'm going to read and head to bed...I hope you all have a great week!


Anonymous said...

I will so pray for you and little bundle as he grows. How scarry though. God bless Tanya!! <3

Greg said...

Be confident that there are lots of people praying, and confident that God is in control.