Thursday, April 26, 2007

One Week and two days old

Well, I can hardly believe how fast the time goes! Gabby is over a week old already. We are having so much fun with her. She is such a blessing! We are adjusting pretty well to having two kids. I ventured out on my own yesterday for the first time with both girls. It went really well! I went to work to visit my co-workers and then went grocery shopping. Right now it seems pretty easy because Gabby sleeps all the time and Megan is used to going grocery shopping with me. I think it will become more difficult as Gabby gets older and more mobile. Megan just loves Gabby to pieces. She is always asking it she can hold her and she loves to hug and kiss her. I hope she always loves her this much!!

We went to the doctor's on Tuesday for Gabby's one week visit. She has surpassed her birth weight and it now 7lbs 13 oz. The doctor said she is doing really well!! She is usually up twice at night for feedings. But, last night she stayed awake after the feeding and was so noisy making grunting noises. I finally moved her to her bedroom at about 4:00am. I think I will put her in her own room from now on. Megs is sleeping a little better these days. I only had to go see her once last night for a few minutes and give her a hug. I usually try to have a little nap in the afternoon when Megan sleeps. I am recovering much faster from this birth than from Megs. It doesn't even hurt to sit on hard surfaces this time!!

We have been so blessed by our friends and family! We have had so many meals provided for us. And a very special thank you to our moms who come over and help with the girls and clean our house. We love you!! I have hardly had to cook any meals in the last week. We are so grateful to all of you.

1 comment:

Eric Vogt said...

Megan likely loves so well like this because it's all she knows what to do, because you guys are such awesome parents!

As for Gabby grunting so much at night, I guess she takes after her mom! Just kidding Tan.