Saturday, May 5, 2007

Our busy life

Sorry about the delay in blogging. Life has been quite busy lately for us and I find I can not find the time to sit down and blog very often. Right now both the girls are sleeping and Jeff is running some errands.

Gabby having a nap with daddy!

We are starting to settle into life with 2 kids. Megan has been doing really well with her new sister and she always wants to hold her. It's very cute!! Gabby has been doing well and I have been able to get some good sleep. She has had 3 days in the last week where I have feed her at 9pm and she hasn't woken up until 2am. It feels so good to get a little bit more sleep at one time. She slept too much in the day yesterday and she didn't want to sleep much last night, we will try to change that. This week I painted Megan's toenails for the first time. I had to buy the nail polish that dries in 60 seconds or she would touch it. She managed to touch her toenails in less than 60 seconds, but I think they still look pretty good. She is very proud of them and wants to show everyone her pink toenails.

Aunty Jassie and Uncle Warren came home from New York last weekend and came over for brunch and to visit Gabby and Megan. Jassie spoiled us all with gifts from their trip!!
Yesterday we had playdates with some of Megan's friends - Cooper, Malachi and Tyler. Megan has a lot of "boy" friends. Megan likes to observe while the boys play. My sister and her family came up for the weekend and they came over this morning and brought Megan LOTS of new toys that they have outgrown. Megan really likes the new kitchen and she always wants to make us coffee. Tonight we are going to my parents house for a BBQ dinner. It's a nice day out today and so we might take the kids to the park to play. Bye for now!!

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Love the pics and the update Tan! I can't believe how grown up Megs is! So fun.