Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Enjoying the end of summer...

Jeff has still been busy working on the hot tub project...although it is almost done now! He has been enjoying using the hot tub a lot and he took Megan in for the first time this past weekend. It was quite hot and so at first she just wanted her feet in, but she did slowly get in there and then she had a blast! She didn't want to get out. Jeff has been going in the hot tub the last few morning before going to 6am!!! He's loving it. There are some evening I sure wish that I could go in:( Oh well, I'll have lots of time to enjoy it after the baby comes.We had a BBQ on Sunday night for some friends of ours that moved away. We had some very yummy BBQ'd salmon!! A lot of our friends have kids now and so we had a full house with 12 adults and 6 kids. We had lots of fun!Sweet baby Sarah...I love the little dipples on her knuckles!The girls are all over their colds now and I'm thankful for that. The cold lingered longer for me and I still have a bit of a cough...but I'm feeling so much better! It's not fun having a cold when your pregnant, because you can't take any medicine:( Gabby has started "talking" more the last few weeks and it's so cute. She says baby, hi, bye-bye, nigh-nigh, out and she says "please" and "thank you"(but they don't really sound like that sometimes). She tries really hard to say anything that we ask her to. It's such a fun stage!!
Megan fell asleep on the couch yesterday...this is quite rare, as she hardly ever naps anymore. I thought she looked so cute sleeping there:) Megan has been so cute about the baby in my belly lately. She loves to hug and kiss my tummy. She said the other day that God told her that it's a baby brother in my tummy. I guess we'll find out soon! She has been taking about God a lot lately. She asked me where God lives and I told her he is everywhere, we just can't see him. That was a little hard for her to understand! She loves to pray and I just love listening to's so sweet!

I'm getting bigger and bigger every day. I am 18 weeks now...almost half way there. I can't believe it! I have been forgetting to take pregnancy pictures lately. I attempted to take a picture of myself today and I chopped my head off, but at least you can see my belly! We have our ultrasound in 2 weeks and we are really looking forward to that...we are going to find out what we are having. We didn't find out with either of the girls, but we want to this time.Jeff took the girls to the park yesterday after he got home from work. Gabby is such a little monkey at the playground. She loves to climb and then just zips down the slides...she has no fear! I stayed home to make dinner. It was such a treat for me to get dinner made without having to keep the girls busy. I have to say that Jeff is just such an amazing daddy to our girls! They both totally adore him. I love watching him play with them, it melts my heart.
And today is my beautiful sister-in-law Alicia's birthday!! Happy 31st birthday!! We wish we could be together with you to celebrate, but we will see you soon:)


Greg said...

So, when do I get invited out to a hot tub party? The work looks really good. Does Jeff want to come out and do some work at my place? I'm thinking of getting a hot tub in the future, and building a deck around it to hang out on.

Anonymous said...

I am soo looking forward to seeing you all again so soon! Yeah! And I cannot wait to know if I have another niece or a nephew...??? Love ya lots!!! xoxoxo Alicia