Monday, September 29, 2008

Going on vacation!

Not too much new around here these days! We are pretty excited because on Wednesday we have our 20 week ultrasound and we are going to find out what we are having!! I am not looking forward to drinking all the water that they require you to drink before the ultrasound...but it will be worth it:)

We have not taken many pictures lately because our camera battery was dead. So, we have no pictures from this weekend:( I have tried to upload some other pictures now and the computer won't let me...sorry, all you get today is my ramblings!!!

We celebrated two birthdays in our families this weekend. My sister and her family stopped by on their way to Saskatchewan (they are moving there) on Friday. It was my nephew, Dylan's birthday and we had a nice dinner and yummy ice cream cake! Then on Saturday we celebrated Curt's birthday with his family. We had another great dinner there! We tried putting the girls down to bed at Jeff's parents house for the first time. I put them down around 7:30pm and Megan probably fell asleep around 8:30pm and Gabby just before 9pm!!! Needless to say, both girls were incredibly tired and a little cranky the next day.

We have been having lots of playdates lately. We meet with 2 other moms and their kids every Tuesday morning. The kids have a blast and it keeps us mom's sane! We are also starting a women's bible study group on Friday mornings for mom's to get together and have a little study and the kids can play and the babies can sleep!

Jeff, the girls and I are headed to Seattle on Saturday for a long weekend to hang out with Loren and Alicia. We are SO excited for a little vacation! I wanted to go before the weather got to bad and before we have a 3rd child!! It will be the first trip with the new will be so nice to have the space. Eric and Traci are coming up to Seattle also to see us! We are going to spend Saturday and Sunday with them and we are SO thrilled that they are making the trip for us. The girls will be so excited to see their aunties and uncles all at once!! I am hoping to get Megan a new halloween costume from Old Navy while we are there, since she has been a monkey for the last 2 years, it's time for something new.

I am feeling pretty good these days. I'm still hungry all the time, but what's new!! I don't know if I updated my news about the whole 5th disease and me being pregnant thing. Anyways, my doctor tested my blood to see if I was immune to 5th disease and I am not. So I had more blood work done last week and it's a 2 part blood test and I have to go again in 14 days for the rest. I'm trying not to worry too much about this, but I still think about it every so often. I think I will feel better about things once we have our ultrasound this week. They really can't do anything if I do have the virus, except to monitor the baby from here on.

The weather has been so nice for being the end of September. It still feels like summer during the afternoon...the mornings are still chilly. Jeff has been enjoying the hot tub a lot and he took both girls in yesterday for a little bit. Gabby loves the water and just loves to splash around and kick her legs. That little girl has no fear and she's always trying to wiggle out of Jeff's arms!! Because the weather was so nice yesterday, we went for a little walk and then to the park. The girls LOVE the park. It's so nice to have parks close by to walk to.

I will try to update this again after our ultrasound appointment!!! Bye for now.


Traci said...

We are SOOOO excited to see you guys!

Keith - Kristen said...

Can't wait to hear about the ultra sound! Make sure you keep us all updated.