Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas...

Wow, I have been a bad blogger lately!! Sorry to anyone who still reads this. We are getting all ready for Christmas and I'm so excited. Megan has been such a big helper...first she helped put up all the decorations and last week she helped me decorate cookies. She had so much fun...and ate a few candies along the way:)It's almost impossible these days to get pictures of the girls together because Gabby does not sit still!!I have a cookie exchange to go to tomorrow night. My cookies are all baked and ready to go. I love getting a variety of baking from other people!! I have already been eating some of the baking because I can't resist and I think the baby likes it too:) Here are the girls fresh out of the hot tub!! They love going in with daddy on the weekends.
We have been having bible study with a group of moms at our place on Friday mornings. It has been so good and the kids love being together too. We haven't done it for a few weeks because Colleen put her back out and hasn't been able to lead:( We still get together and just chat and let the kids play. We will probably start up again in January.

Here I am at about 30 weeks prego! I have gained more than 30lbs already and I'm really feeling it. I get out of breath just walking up the stairs!! I can't believe I only have 10 weeks left...kind of scary:) I have another ultrasound tomorrow to check my amniotic fluid levels. I'm not too worried now because my doctor reassured me last week and she felt my tummy and the baby and said everything seems really good! And this little guy is VERY active...I love feeling him move!
Megan is in a little Christmas concert at church this coming Sunday. Her class is singing "Away in a Manger". We have been practicing the song all week and she's almost got it memorized. I can't wait to see her up in front of the church with the other kids! I'm sure Gabby will want to join them:)

I'm sure I am forgetting lots of things, but that's all I can think of for now!


kelly ens said...

those cookies look VERY tasty!!! and you are looking fabulous! You have such a cute baby belly!!!

Anonymous said...

Send some of those cookies our way!!! We miss you all!!!

Greg said...

Glad to hear the Christmas season is flowing well for you guys. I'm looking forward to March, as you are not the only one bringing someone new to introduce everyone to.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear that you are going the pictures! The girls look so cute! I have to do some Christmas baking this next week too...

Anonymous said...

Tanya you look incredable!! I'm so jelious:0) Sucks that we live so far apart. Our kids would have fun together.
I had the low amniotic fluid wiht both kids and everything was fine. God's watching over that little bundle. It's amazing how much we love someone we have never met! What an incredable experience eh? Take care and Merry Christams<3