Monday, December 1, 2008

More doctor's visits

**I am not able to post any new pictures because Jeff has been working on our computer and I can't find them:(**

Shortly after my last post, I got a phone call from my doctor's office wanting to book a follow up appointment for my ultrasound scans. I was a little confused because I was told everything was good?!?! I had an appointment booked then for a few days later and again I was worried, but trying really hard not to be. The doctor said that the baby was fine and he looks really good, but now my amniotic fluid level was low...not dangerously low, but on the low side of normal. My doctor wants me to have another ultrasound to check the levels again. It seems like with this pregnancy it has been one thing after another. I'm praying that the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly!! I asked the doctor what you do if the levels are lower and she said I would need to rest more and drink lots of fluids. I'm really hoping she is not going to put me on bedrest, because I don't know how I would do that with 2 kids around!!

We put up our Christmas decorations last weekend and Meggie had so much fun doing it this year!! Gabby is very interested in everything and likes to pull decorations off the tree and bring them to me...crazy girl! She is talking more and more these days and her favorite word right now is NO:) So fun!!

Megan has been a bit challenging lately as she is having a lot of temper tantrums. We put her in her room and shut the door and tell her we will come back in a few minutes when she is ready to talk. The one morning she was in her room for 20 minutes!!! I went in every 5 minutes to ask her if she was done and ready to talk and she just kept screaming. She also has been waking up very early like 5:30 or 6am and so I think she is over tired and that is why she is having so many tantrums. I am NOT a fan of the early mornings:) Especially when the baby comes!!

We had Jeff's work Christmas party last Saturday night. It was such a great meal...turkey, ham, lots of salads, mashed potatoes, the works...They had some pretty nice door prizes like a 42" Plasma TV, laptop, surround sound system. But, we didn't win anything:( We were hoping to win the TV!! Derek and Colleen came over that night to babysit the girls and I think the girls had lots of fun with them and of course, Sarah!! Thank you so much guys for babysitting, we really appreciate it!!

That's all for now:)

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