Friday, February 13, 2009

Come on out baby boy!!

Well, tomorrow is my official due date and we are still waiting. I was at the doctor's today and I am still only 2 cm dilated and my cervix has not thinned yet:( It was kind of disappointing because I was hoping that things were progressing. She stripped my membranes again today to try and get things we will see what happens. I have another appointment on Tuesday and I'm hoping we have him before then. My doctor said we will talk about being induced at the next appointment. I SO don't want to be induced!! Our little boy has been really active the last week or so, I think he wants out of there!!I have been trying to keep myself and the girls busy, so that I don't think about still being pregnant. I have been cleaning the house like a mad women to try and get everything in order before the baby comes. We have had a few playdates this week and we went out for coffee with my dad yesterday. I'm enjoying the distractions!Having fun at her friends birthday party at the bowling alley!!I asked Meggie the other day when the baby was going to come out and she said "next year!!"...I was not thrilled about that!! Megan has been getting up SO early lately, no matter what time we put her bed at night. The girls usually go down between 7 and 7:30pm and Megs has been getting up before 6am!!! I am not a morning person and I find this very difficult and she has also been waking up Gabby in the process and Gabby is not a happy girl when she doesn't get enough sleep! I'm hoping we get into some kind of routine where Megs sleeps in longer and doesn't wake up Gabby and then everyone will be happy!! Maybe it's wishful thinking...I have been getting tons of phone calls this last week from friends and family asking how things are going and if anything is happening with the baby. I am SO thankful for my friends and family...I am SO blessed!! One of my friends even had the girls over for a playdate today while I went to my doctor's appointment.
Megan and I went to her friends birthday party last Sunday at the bowling alley. Megan had never been bowling before, except with our plastic bowling pins at home. She loved it!! It was so cute to watch a bunch of 3-4 year olds bowling. After the bowling, they all got a little lunch there and of course some birthday cake!! We will definitely have to take her there again.

I thought her little feet in bowling shoes was just the cutest thing!!!Anyways, I should get going...but please pray that our little man comes soon!!! We so want to meet him!!


Nadine said...

Those are cute little feet!
I'l be praying that your baby boy comes soon!
And I'll see you in a few weeks!

tomandlynette said...

Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks, with your THREE children! I hope you can feel peace as you wait for your baby to be ready to be born - I know you are so ready to meet the little guy! All the best :)

Greg said...

Definitely looking forward to meeting him as well. Just a couple weeks and I'll be in BC, and we all get to celebrate with Kirsten. See you all there!

kelly ens said...

hope you're hanging in there and that the baby boy comes SOON!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures of Megs with her little bowling shoes! I miss her! Tell her that next time you read that..and that Auntie Carm will try to send her some more things in the mail!