Sunday, February 22, 2009

Welcome to the world baby Marty!

Well, I'm not pregnant anymore!!! We had our beautiful baby boy Martin Jeffrey on Tuesday, February 17th.Here's the story...I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday morning and my doctor stripped my membranes again(3rd time) and she was very aggressive. It was a little uncomfortable, but tolerable. I went home and was feeling a little crampy and later in the afternoon I started having contractions, but again they were not painful. I sat down to watch Oprah about 4pm and the contractions were becoming more regular and starting to be more uncomfortable. Jeff came home from work and I told him we probably shouldn't go to his parents for dinner because I was having contractions. It was Jeff's dad birthday and we were supposed to go over to their place for dinner. I called Jeff's mom and asked if maybe she could bring the dinner over to our place and then if we needed to go to the hospital she could stay with the girls. They were kind enough to do this for us! I called the hospital to ask when I should come in because I was strep B positive and needed to have IV antibiotics. The nurse said we should probably come in soon and be assessed. Mom and dad got to our place around 5ish and my contractions were quite painful by this time. We didn't even get to enjoy the yummy birthday dinner because we left for the hospital about 5:30pm.
The contractions were very painful on the way to the hospital and I really had to breath through them. We got the hospital just before 6pm and they put me directly into a birthing room. They hooked me up to the monitors and my contractions were about 3-4 minutes apart. They checked me and I was 8 cm dilated!!!!! I couldn't believe it. When I went to the hospital with the girls I was only 2-3 cm dilated and I kind of expected the same thing this time. The nurses asked what I would like for pain relief and I said I wanted to go into the shower. They looked surprised by my answer! They let me go into the shower after I got my antibiotics and I was in there for about 1/2 hour and when I came out my doctor broke my water and then I was fully dilated. I pushed for about 20 minutes and he was out! He was born at 7:38pm. He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and was 20 inches long. I couldn't believe how quick everything happened...but I was so thankful it was quick! He was perfect and they put him on my chest right away. We are so in love with him!! I only have a couple stitches because his hand was up by his face when he came out, but I am recovering very quickly! We came home on Thursday at dinner time and his sisters were SO excited to meet him!! The girls were not able to come to the hospital because it's RSV season and no children can come to the maternity ward:( I missed the girls so much!
He is breastfeeding like a champ! He latched on right away and he loves to eat!! The health nurse came yesterday to check him over and he has already surpassed his birth weight and now weighs 8 lbs 3 oz!! He's waking up twice at night, usually about 1am and 4am. We have had him in our room since we came home, but last night he was so noisy that I put him in his crib and then I slept much better.
We are adjusting fairly well to being a family of 5!! I still can't believe I have 3 kids!! Jeff has been home since we had him, but he goes back to work tomorrow. Jeff's mom is going to come over tomorrow to help me out and I'm so thankful for that! Megan and Gabby love to hold and talk to their baby brother. I love watching them with him!This is Marty at 6 days old...Megan was holding him and talking to him and he smiled at her. I don't know if it was gas, but she would keep talking to him and he smiled over and over. So cute!!We are SO in love with our son and I'm so thankful that he's finally here:)


Nadine said...

Congratulations! See you in a few weeks!

tomandlynette said...

Congratulations! It sounds like his birth went so well. I'm looking forward to seeing you again and meeting your adorable baby boy! All the best as you get used to being a family of five.

kelly ens said...

wow - quite the speedy arrival! He is SOOOOO handsome! such cute pictures of him and the girls together.
i'm pretty sure the whole breastfeeding champion thing is a boy thing :)
congrats again!

Carmen said...

oh! Congratulations! My mom told me the news and I searched for your blog till I found it!
Martin is soo cute! Im so glad everything went well.

Anonymous said...

Yay for speedy births and recoveries!! He really is absolutly precious. Wow Family of 5. Thata girl.;0)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Tanya! Does that mean he has the same birthday as his Grandpa?!

Greg said...

Glad to hear everything went well. See you all at the wedding!