Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our family of 5...

We have been adjusting well to being a family of 5!! Sometimes I can't believe we have 3 kids, but it's going really well. Marty is such a good baby and we love him to pieces!! The girls are totally in love with him and can not get enough of him. Megan often asks in the mornings if she can go wake him up so she can see him!
Marty has been getting up to feed only once at night for over a week now. I am loving that!! I feed him about 10pm and then he gets up to feed between 2-3am and then again between 6-7am. I usually go back to sleep then for a little bit if I can. He is such a content and happy baby!! He still sleeps a lot in the day, so he's pretty easy right now.We had a playdate on Tuesday and Marty got to meet his new friend! My friend had a baby boy a week before Marty was born. We get together every week for playdates and so these boys will be good buddies! It was nice to finally get out of the house and be with friends again. We were home for about a week after Marty was born and I could tell the girls (and me) were getting a little house bound! Jeff's mom has offered to take the girls every Monday for the whole day...what a treat for me. This past Monday, I went grocery shopping with just Marty and of course he slept the whole time. It was SO easy having only one child!! I totally forgot what that was like. Then Marty and I had a 2 hour nap together, it was wonderful:)We have been SO blessed by our many friends and family who have brought us meals over the last 2 weeks! I didn't have to cook one dinner in over a week and a half...we are SO thankful to all of you!!We are SO looking forward to next weekend when we get to celebrate with Kirsten and Malcolm as they get married!! I just think they are such an incredible couple and we feel blessed to be able to share this special day with them! I'm a little nervous to travel with 3 littles ones, but it's only 3 hours or so to get there. We are staying at our friends place and they also have 3 kids, so it will be a house full!! It will be great to see them again and our girls love to play with their girls.

That's all for now...


kelly ens said...

wow - talk about beautiful kids!!!
marty is so cute; i can't wait to see him in person next weekend (well, it will be fun meeting all of you!).
SO glad he's a good sleeper, and for the one-child outings you're enjoying :)

Jess said...

what cute pictures of you kids! Glad to hear you all seem to be settling in well! :)