Friday, March 27, 2009

Party time!!

We've had a busy week! We have gone to 3 kid's birthday parties this past week. The first one was Saturday morning, the next Sunday afternoon and the third was last night. The parties were lots of fun with lots of chaos, as there were little kids everywhere!! The next birthday will be Gabby's in April!! I can't believe she is almost 2 already. They do grow up so fast.
I'm so glad that spring has finally arrived!! We don't have any snow left in our backyard now, but we still have a little bit in the front. Yesterday the girls played in the backyard for a couple of hours and they loved it! It's so nice to finally see some sunshine:) Although, I just read that we are possibly getting some more snow this weekend...not happy about that:(Nicole and I and our boys...only 8 days apart!!

Megan has her first professional haircut this past week. My mom stayed home with the 2 little ones and Megs and I went to the hairdresser. It's a kids haircut place called Beaners. The kids get to sit in a little jeep or a quad to get their haircut. Oh, and they get to watch a movie and Meggie thought that was pretty great! She sat so sit and did great getting her haircut and it looks so cute. It's angled like mine is, with her hair a little bit longer in the front than the back. She also chose to have some ribbons put in by the hairdresser!Jeff is running in a race on Sunday morning. Jeff and 4 other people are running a 1/2 marathon relay. Jeff has never really run we will see how it goes! He has ran around our neighborhood a few times this week and he's been working out. What a crazy guy! Oh, and you should see his runners...they are held together with duct tape!!! He doesn't want to spend the money on new runners since this is kind of a one time thing. I want to go watch him run, but I'll have to see how things go because I'll have all 3 kids by myself.
We have a new interm pastor at our church and he is awesome!! He has a young family with kids similar is age to ours. He is so encouraging and we are so thankful to have him at our church. My dad was telling me that the attendance last Sunday was way up and there were 12 little kids in Megan's children's church class last Sunday. We have been praying that more young families would come to the church!! God is so good.
Marty is doing great and continues to be such a happy and content baby!! He's still sleeping great and only gets up once at night, usually between 3-4am and he's going to bed around 10pm. We have given him a few bottles this past week just to see if he would take it (since Gabby never did and I didn't have any freedom). Well, he took it no problem, so I will try to pump and give him a bottle every once in awhile to make sure he gets used to it. He is such a blessing to us!!!

My parents took the girls swimming this week and they had a blast!! Megan and Gabby both love the water. We haven't taken them swimming in a while, except for Meggie's lessons. Megan was even brave enough to put her face in the water!! I was so proud of her. Gabby went under a few times as well by accident and she did fine.
That's all I can remember about this past week...I hope you all have a great weekend!


Kirsten said...

Oh, I can't wait to come see you guys! It will feel fun to be part of you life, even for a few days. Love you all : )

Greg said...

Pass on a happy birthday from me, at least she likes me a little bit!