Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Camping in the rain...

We had a great vacation camping at the Shuswap this past week! We went with 2 other families and we had 6 adults and 7 kids and some other friends joined us one day as well. We had a blast even though the weather didn't cooperate with us. It rained pretty much the whole time:(
The campsite...We borrowed Jeff's parents truck and camper and our friends had a tent trailer and a 5th wheel. The 5th wheel was huge and it was great to be able to have a warm and dry place to hang out. It even had a TV and DVD player and that came in handy for the kids.
It was great to have the truck and camper to have a warm and dry place to sleep. The kids slept really well. It would take a little longer than usual to get them to fall asleep(about an hour), but then they slept right through to the morning. Marty slept in his bassinet on the bed with us. After the first night, Jeff set up the tent outside and he slept in the tent the rest of the time. He found the camper a little clausterphobic(sp?) and stuffy with all 5 of us in it!
The tent was also used as a play area for the kids...Enjoying s'mores on the BBQ...Each family took turns making a breakfast and a dinner and we had such yummy food!! That's always a fun part of camping. The first night we had BBQ Salmon, the next night Spaghetti and then the last night we had feta burgers!! And, of course, we had snacks galore. Each night we would feed the kids dinner and then put them to bed and then the adults would have dinner. It was SO great to have adult conversation. We are truly blessed with great friends!!We drank lots of tea and coffee to try and stay warm!We brought along Jen and Isaac's boat, but we didn't get to use it too much. The boys went water skiing in the rain a few times and the kids and I managed to get in one boat ride on the last day.The one day, the moms and most of the kids headed into town to get a few things. We didn't think that it would be so cold the whole time. We definitely didn't bring enough warm clothes for that. We will know better for next time!
On Saturday, our friends Karen and Tyson and their kids joined us. The kids had fun playing together and we enjoyed having them for dinner and the evening!

Two sweet little boys...We were all SO tired when it was time to go home! Bas and Kristi had our girls in their mini van because we had the truck which only had enough room for Marty and us. I feel asleep laying against Marty carseat on the way home. When we got home, Jeff had a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. We were definitely not used to staying up so late at night. We usually got to bed around midnight every night and then the kids were up about 6:30am!!! That is SO not enough sleep for me.
In other news...Marty turned 6 months old on Monday!! I know I say this often, but I can not believe how fast the time goes. It makes me a little sad to see my baby growing up. We fed him rice cereal for the first time on Monday and he loved it!! A few times, he looked a little disgusted with the cereal, but still continued to eat it. My parents came over for dinner and I made cupcakes to celebrate his 6 month birthday:)Hope you enjoyed all the pictures!!


Eric Vogt said...

Congratulations to Jeff, for perfecting the Mini Jeff project on the third try ;-)

As always (I think I say this every time), I love seeing the photos of the kids, and of you and Jeff too. Thanks so much for spending the time doing this Tan!

Unknown said...

Tan, I love your blog (and you too :-)) and read it all the time. I know you crave the comments, so here you go... my comment will be on the lack of pictures of Jeff. He is a very interesting fellow and I think the time has come for him to shine!

Love you Sis!

kelly ens said...

wow - looks like a great time, despite the rain! :)
happy 6 months to Marty - what a CUTIE!

Greg said...

I remember camping in Oliver as kids all the time, and 1 year it was raining, so Mom bought us rain gear. I think it was Superman theme, so we flew around the campsite saving people. With stuff like that available, how can a little rain ruin camping!