Monday, August 10, 2009

2 little monkeys...

I can't believe it is August already! Summer is going to be over soon and it feels like it has just begun. We have been enjoying the beautiful summer weather! We have spent quite a bit of time at my parents pool at their new place. Megan is getting more and more comfortable in the water every time we go there. Gabby is doing great with the water too, we just have to let her sit on the stairs for a few minutes to get comfortable and then we bring her in with us.Last week, we went to a new park not far from our house. They recently built a new climbing thing made with cables. The kids loved to climb around on there...and Jeff and I had to go to the top as well. We were amazed at how brave the girls were...our 2 little monkeys!Sorry Marty, you have to ride in a pink stroller...but, you do have 2 sisters!!It was such a warm evening and the kids loved to be outside. Marty went on the baby swing for the first time and I think he liked it!
Jeff made us a yummy breakfast on Saturday morning. Bacon and eggs made on the BBQ!! We ate outside on the deck and enjoyed the warm summer morning. Then Megan, my mom and I went shopping. It was a little "date" with Megan and she loved it! It's always special to spend time with the kids one on one.
Yesterday, after the kids woke up from their naps we went to our friends family cabin on Wood Lake. It is a beautiful little place!
Isaac and Jen have a ski boat and they keep it at the cabin for part of the summer. The girls got to go on their first ski boat ride and they loved it. Jeff even attempted to get up on the wakeboard, but he gave up after a while of trying:( We are going camping this week and I'm sure he will try again and I'm going to try to water ski, although it has been about 8 years since I last skied.Here's Marty and Gavin hanging out together...they are only 3 months apart! I'm sure they will be great friends.The dads and all the kids...Basil and the 3 youngest ones...
It was great to be together with our friends and just relax! We are going camping this week with these same families and we are so excited. I'm sure it will be busy with all the kids, but lots of fun!! I will write all about our camping adventures when we get back.

Oh, and a little update on Gabby's potty training. She is doing awesome!! She even went poop on the potty this morning without telling me. Her and Meggie were playing and she just went to the potty. I was so proud of her! And yesterday at the cabin she pooped a couple of times too. She has been telling us when she needs to go and sometimes if it has been a little while I will just put her on the potty and she goes. So far so good!!


kelly ens said...

great pictures - looks soooo nice at the cabin :)
way to go Gabby! :)

Eric Vogt said...

The only thing I like more than seeing photos of the family is being with you guys!

Greg said...

Looks like 4 monkeys if you ask me, and I know how Marty feels.