Saturday, September 19, 2009

Updates on the kiddies

Now, it's been a few weeks since I posted again...the weeks just seem to fly by!!

Yesterday, Marty turned 7 months old. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. He is crawling everywhere now and he is fast!! We always have to close the gate at the stairs and keep small objects off the floor. The other day, one of the girls dropped a muffin on the floor and he got to it faster than me and I found him munching on it!
I have dropped one of his feeds now because he is eating food...well, cereal and some veggies! I nurse him 4 times a day now and he gets breakfast and dinner. He had green beans for the first time this last week and he loved them! He's not a big fan of the oatmeal or barley cereal and sweet potatoes are s0-s0! Today I started giving him pears.
He has 2 teeth now (bottom ones). He doesn't seem to be affected by teething at all, same as with the girls! I never knew when they were teething, I would just see something white in their mouths one day and it would be a tooth! He continues to sleep like a dream. He goes down about 7:30 or 8pm and gets up about 8am. And the girls have been sleeping until about 7am, and I love that!We are still in the midst of potty training with Gabby. Lately, she has been having more pee accidents:( I think she gets too busy playing and having fun that she forgets to go pee. Today we were at a little birthday party for a friend of hers and she peed her pants and then just took off her panties and jeans and was running around half naked! I think I just have to be more consistent with her and take her to the potty every hour or so until she gets it. She does great with #2 and I don't think she has had an accident with that for a couple of months now!

Gabby is talking more and more every day! She is talking in sentences now and it's so cute. She has so much personality and always makes us laugh. She's still tiny and sometimes I can't believe it because she eats like a horse! I think she eats about what I eat!! Often at dinner, she will have 3 helpings of food. She's still napping at least a few hours every day and I'm so thankful for that. I think Meggie stopped napping around this age and I'm totally not ready for Gabby to give it up yet!Megs is so much fun these days! She is behaving very well and loves to take care of her sister and brother! She is always telling them how much she loves's adorable! She has such a caring and sensitive spirit. She's really enjoying helping in the kitchen lately. She likes to stir things and peel vegetables. I like it when she helps me, but as soon as she helps out, you know who is right on her heels!! And having 2 littles ones in the kitchen makes so much more work for me.
We went out to our friends family cabin again yesterday and the kids had a blast! They love playing with their friends. The 3 oldest kids got to ride in the boat while the daddies went waterskiing. Then when they got back they played "chase" around the yard for such a long time. They got all their energy out and slept so great last night!
Here's Jeff getting ready to ski...he got up once, and we cheered for him and he waved to us and lost his balance and fell!Here's was a beautiful evening and made for some nice picture!And Basil...he's an awesome water skier! Very impressive to watch...This past week we were out of the house every day for the whole day because we were having our roof redone. It was quite noisy so I left the house so the kids could nap in a quieter place. For 2 days we were at my parents and one day at Jeff's parents! I'm so thankful to have our parents in town!! They help us out so much.

We did get the roof redone and it's now black and looks awesome! We hadn't planned on doing it this year, but our skylight was leaking and some of the trusses and wood around it were rotting:( We decided to do the whole roof. Our buddy did it with his crew and he did a great job. Jeff did electrical work for him and now he did the roof for us...great trade off! So, now the plan is to paint the outside of the house next year. We want to look around and find the color we really want.

I think that's all for today!!

1 comment:

Marion said...

i'm a wee bit jealous about Marty's teething skills. i would like Ezra to teeth without me noticing :)
i'm amazed to read about how much Gabby eats! (jealous there too! in a way)
LOVE that last waterskiing pic.