Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fall is here...

I can't believe we are half way through November already!! The weather here has actually been SO nice lately. Today, it's beautiful and sunny outside...I love it!! I think we are going to go for a walk when the little ones get up from their naps:)
I went outside to rake some leaves in the backyard last week and then I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures of the kids in the leaves! I love fall pictures because the colors are so beautiful. Anyways, I didn't rake anymore leaves and then when the kids woke up from their naps I brought them all outside and took some pictures. And once was difficult to get the kids to cooperate!
Megan didn't have ballet today because of the holiday. She was sad to miss it and she was hoping that daddy could come watch today:( I think she will have a recital in December sometime, so hopefully Jeff can come to that. She is still loving ballet and she gets so excited to go every week! Gabby wants to to be in it too, but she's not old enough yet...maybe next year.Some of the girls in Megan's class...they are all so cute!
Meggie went to the dentist last Friday for her first real dentist and all! She went about a year ago, just to see the dentist and get her teeth counted and she wasn't too sure about it then. But, this time she was awesome. She sat SO nicely for the hygienist and held her mouth wide open! She was happy to watch the little cartoon while the cleaning was happening. Oh, and she wanted to hold my cute!!
Sunglasses on to protect her eyes from the bright light...Jeff turns 31 on Sunday and we are having a bunch of friends over for a birthday party for him on Friday night! Jeff loves apple pie and much prefers pie to cake. I'm not good at making pies and they are so time consuming, so I made a deal with my mom and she is going to make some pies for his party:) What a great mom I have!!
I thought we were all over our sickness around here and on Sunday morning, Marty woke up with a runny nose...again! I seriously could not believe it. I think his cold was gone for maybe 2 days and came back again. I have talked to other friends and they said the same thing is happening with their kids:( He's still happy and active and eats like crazy, so I'm not worried about it.
The other day I found all the kids in Marty's crib...This year I have really been on top of Christmas shopping! I'm happy to say that I'm done all my shopping for the kids and some for other family members:) It's usually a little hard to get my Christmas shopping done early because before Christmas we have Jeff's bday, my mom's bday and Jeff's mom's bday!!

Megan and Gabby have been playing SO nicely with each other lately! It makes my heart so happy to see them play together. My prayer is that they will always be great friends and great sisters! We often go down to the playroom and hang out together and we play house, or grocery store, or book store...whatever they come up with!

Gabby is talking more and more everyday! It's so cute the sentences she comes up with. She is such a funny kid and she has so much personality...I love it! And, she eats like a horse!! She is so tiny, but often at dinner she will have 3 or 4 helpings!! I think she eats about what I eat:) I don't know where she puts it!

Okay, I'm off to hang out with my family now!


tomandlynette said...

Before you wrote that the kids weren't cooperating, I was thinking how impressive it was that you had more than one picture with all the kids looking! They look great-absolutely adorable!

Eric Vogt said...

Great post Tan! We can't wait to see you guys next month. I love the photos, as always. I miss seeing my nieces and nephew grow up, but posts like this sure help.

kelly ens said...

cute pictures of the kids in the leaves :)
aren't the little girls in ballet just adorable? I love it!
Meg's dentist trip makes me hopeful for Taeya's first real one in March - she was quite unsure at her teeth counting on a few months back!

very impressed with your Christmas shopping - i want to be done by Dec. 1 (which would be a HUGE first for me), but i only have a few to buy, so it shouldn't be too hard!

i'm amazed at gabby's appetite - that's just awesome!

Greg said...

I love the fall pictures too. Definitely my favourite season for vibrant colours and freshness in the air. I didn't always get along with all my siblings, but it's nice be able to count them as friends as we older, not just relatives!

Lindsay said...

your girls are obviously very cute but I just have to say Marty is sooo sweet in those pictures!! He looks like a doll! :) I love him!

Kirsten said...

Okay...I just want to eat Marty up. He is SO Cute!!! And is it wrong of me to want to write everytime that they are all growing up so quickly. Wow! So wish we could come up for a visit. Not sure when our next visit will be. Think about you lots and love you!

Carmen Born said...

I love the pictures of the kids in the leaves! Ethan and Logan did that too last week...when they were suppose to be putting all the leaves into bags! ya right!