Monday, November 23, 2009

This is getting ridiculous...

I can't believe it, but....we are sick again/still!!! Actually, just the kids are. They have been sick off and on for over a month now. They have snotty noses and are coughing now:( I am SO ready to be over this season of sickness!!
Marty has a pretty stuffy nose and is just not himself these days:( He wouldn't breastfeed at all on Saturday. I tried and tried and he would not have it. He was having trouble breathing and sucking at the same time. Although, he would take a bottle! I have been pumping and then feeding him a bottle and it is SO time consuming!! He sort of just bites the bottle and milk comes out, so I think it is easier for him to breathe that way. I was able to nurse him twice yesterday and once so far today, but it's only when he is half asleep, otherwise he won't do it. I'm not ready for him to be done and I really want to nurse him through the winter/flu season. So, we'll see what happens!
Jeff took the girls to the park one day last week when he got home from work! Isn't he such a great daddy!! It was pretty chilly, so we bundled up the girls and sent them out! They still had a blast.
Helping make brownies for grandma and papa...Last Friday night, Jeff's parents came over for dinner and to watch the kids in the evening, so Jeff and I could do some Christmas shopping! Seriously...all I can stay is we are SO blessed to have our parents in town who watch our kids whenever we need it! We got a few more gifts bought and then we went to Montana's and shared a delicious caramel deep fried cheesecake! Our favorite!!
It was my mom's birthday on Friday, so my parents came over for dinner on Saturday night! Jeff made a raspberry cheesecake specially for my mom. Well...he kind of made her a bet and so he owed her!

Before my parents came over on Saturday, we went for a family walk around our neighborhood. It was cool outside and after about an hour long walk...we were all cold and ready to get home!Speaking of cold...we had our first snowfall last week...I'm totally not ready for this.Just because he's so cute...I have a ladies get together/party on Friday night at my friends house! There are SO many new people at our church and tons of young families and Sunday mornings seem to be so busy and hard to talk to everyone. So, my friend has invited a bunch of ladies and we are just going to hang out and chat. I'm really looking forward to it! We have prayed for so long that God would bring young families to our church and he has totally exceeded our expectations! Last week, Jeff and I taught kids church and we had 23 kids between 2.5 and 5 years old! Last year at this time...we maybe had 5 or 6 kids!! God is good:)

Then, on Saturday night we have Jeff's work Christmas party. It's at a banquet hall at a hotel and it is usually really good food! Oh, and they have awesome door prizes. Last year they gave away a big screen TV, laptop, gift certificates, tools, etc. I'm really hoping we win something good this year!


Eric Vogt said...

I love the weekly update Tan! We're really looking forward to seeing you all next month!

Greg said...

Sorry to hear that sickness has been overdone over there. Hope everyone improves quickly and can continue to enjoy the autumn weather before winter hits.

Traci said...

As always- great photos of those darling kiddos. It is hard to watch them grow up from afar. It makes me sad when they look so much older, but It's a blessing to be able to watch at all.

Did you win anything at the party?