Sunday, January 10, 2010

Not much new around here...

Not much new around here...just getting back into our normal routine after all the holiday gatherings!

We've been pretty bad at taking pictures lately, I guess we took so many over the holidays that we haven't really been into it. Also, our camera isn't working great these days. The zoom lens is sticking and we need to send it back for repair. Thank goodness it's still on warranty!

So I thought I would give a little update on the kids...
Marty is teething like crazy right now! He has 2 teeth on the bottom and 1 on top and the other one on top is just about through. He has been waking up a few times during the night and just wants to be I'm guessing it is the teeth. I usually will hold him for a few minutes and then lie him back down and he screams and I just go back to bed and he only cries for a few minutes and then puts himself back to sleep.

This is one of my favorite pics of Marty...(all these pictures thanks to Eric and Traci!)And he is SO busy these days! He crawls very fast now and gets into everything! He loves to pick at the smallest speck of food on the kitchen floor and then it goes right into his mouth. I have to sweep the kitchen floor very often these days! He has not attempted to walk yet...although he will stand up in the middle of a room with no help. Sometimes he will walk behind his push car, so he is getting the idea. I don't think it will be long now. My baby is growing up so fast! In just over a month he will be ONE...I can't believe it!!
Gabby is her happy little self these days! She is talking more and more and sometimes comes up with the funniest things. She loves to play with her polly pockets and makes up stories and dresses them's the cutest thing to watch. She has a great imagination...I think she gets that from her daddy!

Such a pretty girl...The last couple of weekends I have had to run a few errands and Gabby always wants to come with me and Meggie always wants to stay home with daddy. Marty is usually napping when I go out, so he stays home too:) It is SO easy just having one child to go shopping with. Gabby loves to shop and she is such a good girl and holds my hand. We always have a fun time together! And she usually asks to have a donut because we like to go to Tim Horten's for a treat.

Meggie is getting to be such a big girl! I can hardly believe that this year she will be going to school. She is so excited to go to kindergarten. I know she will do great...she loves people and she loves to learn. I have the girls signed up for swimming lessons starting in February and Meggie is old enough to go without me in the water with her. And she will also start up her ballet class again in a few weeks! She absolutely loves ballet and is so thrilled to do it again.

My beautiful girl...She continues to be such a big helper for me...especially with Marty! If he gets into trouble she will let me know or she will move him away. Marty is so tolerate of Megan carrying him...she carries him like a cat:) We recently put Megs into a booster seat in the van instead of her car seat. She is able to buckle and unbuckle herself and it is so less child to strap in for me!
The kids are still loving the bouncy house! I love it too because they get all their energy out and get some exercise during the winter. Marty was a little scared of it at first and now he loves to go in it too...and it's kind of nice because it keeps him contained for a few minutes:)

I have a doctors appointment for the girls this week. I am going to get them officially tested for allergies. I have been living like they are allergic to nuts, just to be safe...but I would like to know for sure. Especially with Megan going to school in the fall, it would be nice to not have to worry about her. I think our family doctor will have to refer us to an allergy specialist and then we will go from there. I'll be sure to update with the results when I found out.

Anyways, I should go think of something to make for supper!

1 comment:

Greg said...

Great to see them continue to grow and develop in so many ways. Can't wait to see you all again, hopefully this summer.