Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Do It Yourself

So, I'm in this "do it yourself" crafty mood lately! I saw a wooden sign on the internet somewhere and thought to myself...I could do that! We have left over wood window trim, so I painted the ends which had never been painted. Then painted on the word "Bath" and antiqued the edges with brown paint and attached a pretty ribbon. We now have it hanging in our main bathroom. It's not perfect, but I quite like it!
I also found a couple of "chunky" candleholders at Value Village last week. They were silver and I was really looking for something either dark brown or black. Then I thought, I could just spray paint that's just what I did. I bought a bottle of spray paint from Walmart for $3 and the candleholders were $3/each and I think they turned out great, I'm really happy with them! And they go perfectly in the spot I wanted them for...
Now, I'm always on the hunt for little treasures, that I can paint!! I went to MCC and Value Village again this week and came home with a little table from MCC for $3.50!! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but I'll come up with something. I've been loving reading other people's crafty blogs lately too. Here is one of my new favorites
Another great find...a clock that I had been eyeing for awhile and it was finally on sale...
I went out with my good friend on Saturday. We went to one of our favorite stores and just looked around and then we wandered around HomeSense for awhile(we both LOVE that store!) and then went to Moxie's and had a little dinner! It was so nice to get our without our kids and she even left her 8 week baby at, it was really a night out for her:)

At HomeSense I found this super cute Monkey stool for Marty's room. I'm going to be doing his big boy room in a Monkey theme...I'm pretty excited about it! Although, I'm in no rush to put him in a big boy bed, he's still my baby:)
We had parent/teacher interviews for Megan last Friday. Jeff and I were able to both go(thanks to Mom V. for watching the kiddos for us!). Her teacher said that she is doing awesome and is one of the more advanced students in the class, so she is going to be challenging her and few other students a little more. We are so incredibly proud of her! Her teacher showed us a chart that Megan had done that had her write her number up to 100, with a few of the numbers filled in by her teacher. Megan did it perfectly and her teacher said none of the other kids had done it as well or a neatly as Megan heart soared! Ok, enough bragging about her:)
Megan was in desperate need of a haircut, I think it had been a year since she had one. It was getting really tangling and long and hard to manage. She was excited to get a haircut and so we went on Friday to do just that. Gabby insisted on coming along too, she just wanted to watch! Megan's hair is just below her shoulders now and it's SO much easier to do and I think she looks pretty darn cute!!
Megan attended a birthday party on Sunday at the bowling alley. She has been bowling a couple of times and she just loves it! She was the only girl at this birthday party...I think it was 8 boys and her, but she didn't seem to mind. And she had one of the highest scores in bowling!!
Our almost 2 year old...
Sunday afternoon/evening we went to some friends house to watch the Super Bowl. We are not big football fans, but we go for the socializing. Well, actually Jeff got right into the game and he watched pretty much the whole thing. The ladies stayed upstairs and we just ate and visited. The kids entertained themselves and played with their friends! It was a fun time:)

The girls started swimming lessons again today. They were a little nervous at first and wanted the same teacher they had last time. I didn't know if it would be the same teacher or not. Well, we got to the pool and it was a different teacher...and she is awesome! The kids loved her. She was so good with them and the girls did great. I can definitely tell that they have improved. Megan even put her eyes in the water today. We bought the girls googles for Christmas and they seemed to be more comfortable putting them head in with the googles, whatever works! I want them to be comfortable in the water for when we go to Palm Springs, since there is a pool in the backyard of the house we are staying at.
I started this post several days, I'm adding a little bit more now! We made and decorated Valentine's cookies for Megan's class. She was so excited to help and she did a great job!! Blogger doesn't seem to be letting me upload anymore pictures right now:(

So...I think that's all for today!!


Kirsten said...

Way to go Tan! I have been craving some DIY projects. I am dreaming of refurbishing chairs, etc... But, I have no space and no time : ) One day I tell myself. Can't wait to see it all in person.

Traci said...

Happy Valentines Day! Love the shelf with the stars and candle holders. It looks great! And Meggie's haircut looks so cute! Gabs is adorable as always and Marty is looking like a 2 year old. Time flies!