Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday Marty!!

Happy Birthday to the sweetest little boy we know!!
I am amazed that 2 years ago we welcomed this beautiful little boy to our family. He is such an incredible joy and blessing to us. As many of you know, Marty was a little surprise baby for us...and we are beyond thankful that we had him. God knew exactly what he was doing when he created Marty for our family!!
I still remember the day of his birth like it was yesterday. It is also Jeff's dad's birthday a big happy birthday to him as well!! The day Marty was born, we were supposed to go to Jeff's parents for a birthday dinner. I had had my membranes stripped in the morning and did lots of walking that day. I started having contractions while I was watching Oprah! They weren't painful, but within about 1/2 hour they were getting worse. I called Jeff's mom and asked if she could bring the dinner over here, as I wasn't feeling quite right. They came over right away and by the time they came over, we needed to leave for the hospital because the contractions were really painful and close together. And just 2 hours later, we were holding our beautiful baby boy in our arms!! My love for him is so deep...a special bond as he is my only boy and my baby:)
Marty, we love you SOOOO much!!
You melt my heart...
when you say "I wuv you"
when you give kisses and
when you call for your sissies in the mornings,
when you wake up so happy and always with a smile on you face,
when you say "book" and sit on our laps so we read to you
when you snuggle your blankie and puppy at bedtime
when you stand on the coffee table and sing into the plastic bowling pin and sing Jesus!
when you lift your arms out and say "carry" so we pick you up
when you call daddy "my buddy"
when you get so excited when you see a horse and say "orsey, orsey!!"
when you scrunch up your nose and say "meow"
when you chase your sissies around the house and squeal in delight
when you want a snack and say "cookie" in your deep, raspy voice list could go on and on!!
I love you sweet boy, more than words can say!!

We will be officially celebrating his birthday with a party on Saturday with some friends and family. We are having a "Race Car" party for him. I will post pictures of his party after the weekend!!


kelly ens said...

very cute! Happy 2nd birthday to marty :)

Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday, Marty! You are so cute :)

Anneliese said...

Your family reminds me of ours... about 25 years ago! Love that combination of two girls and then a boy that brings a whole new dimension into the picture!