Monday, June 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Meggie!!

Wow, my little girl is 2 years old today!! I can't believe how fast the time goes by. Megan you are such and blessing and a joy to have. Your daddy and I love you so much and can't imagine life without you. The last two years have been so great and we look forward to years to come. Today I was thinking about the day you were born and it is still so fresh in my mind. We were so excited to meet you and I was thrilled you were a girl!!
Megan you have grown so much in the last year. This time last year you weren't even walking you want to run all the time. You are very loving and affectionate. You are always asking for hugs and kisses and you especially like hugging and kissing your new little sister. You are talking so much these days and we love watching you personality develop. Sometimes you are strong willed and stubborn...I don't know where you get that from!! But you are SO worth it. You are just a blessing to us.
Things I love about Meggie:
1) I love your smile and silly laugh
2) I love your crazy hair in the mornings
3) I love how you always want to give us hugs and kisses
4) I love that you love you new little sister
5) I love how you talk to people on the phone
6) I love your deep voice
7) I love you caring spirit
8) I love how you make coffee and juice for us in your play kitchen
9) I love watching you play with your daddy
10) I love being your mommy
You have so many friends and family members who love you! You are even starting to talk on the phone to people and have a little conversation. It's the cutest thing!
So yesterday we had a little birthday party for Megan and her friends. It was really cute to watch the kids, they all played very nicely in the backyard and then we had a BBQ and birthday cake. Oh, the cake turned out okay. It tasted really good, but I would have liked it to look a little better. Jeff had a little fishing game for the kids to play and then they got prizes, the kids loved it!

Megan, may you continue to grow into the person God created you to be! We love you so much.

Mommy & Daddy

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