Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The party details...and pictures!!

Gabby had a great 1st birthday!! She was so happy and smiley that day(minus getting the party hat on!). We had a little "kid" party on Thursday morning. I made some cupcakes and the kids played outside as it was a beautiful sunny day! She got lots of cute new outfits, courtesy of the mom's who have's always fun to buy cute girls clothes:)She wasn't too sure about the presents, she just threw them off the chair and wanted to get down!She loved the marshmallows on the cupcakes and the chocolate icing...I don't even think she tasted the cake:)Gabby was so happy just to be outside and have other kids around!
Here's the 2 birthday girls....same day, just 30 years apart:)
Gabby wasn't too sure about the party hat, but she soon forgot about it and was happy again once she saw her cupcake!

Then in the evening, both sets of grandparents came over for a birthday dinner and birthday cake! We bought the girls an outdoor wooden swing set for their birthdays and our parents contributed to that as well. Megan loves it, and I'm sure Gabby will soon too!Gabby had her 1 year check up appointment yesterday with the doctor. She weighs 19 lbs 13 oz and is 30 inches long. She's quite tall for her age! I looked back in Megan's baby book and at 1 year Megan weighed almost 23 lbs!! I guess Gabby's just a little peanut:)We have visited lots of little babies in the last week...4 of our friends have had babies in the last month! They are all so cute and tiny. I hardly remember when our girls were that small. It almost makes me want to have another one. Jeff is not at all interested in having another one! I'm just excited to have a few more girls around, since 90% of Megan and Gabby's friends are boys:)These 2 are only 4 days apart!I have another soccer game tonight! Last week we won 2-0 and it was really fun to get out and play again. Although today is pretty cool outside, so I'm not looking forward to wearing shorts:( I think Jeff is going to bring the kids to the game tonight, so that should be fun! They haven't seen me play much before.

Meggie went to a neighbor girls birthday party on Sunday. They had a carnival theme and they had a clown come to the party for about an hour. I wasn't sure what Megan would think about it and she really enjoyed him:) He did lots of magic tricks and made each kid a balloon animal. He had the kids entertained the whole time!!Okay, this post is getting long, so I will go now!! Blessing to you all.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My baby turns 1!!

Today my baby turned 1 year old!! I can hardly believe this little blessing to our family is already 1. The time just seems to fly by when you have little ones. Gabby has been and continues to be such a blessing to us. She has been an amazing, happy, smiley little girl.Only about an hour old!!

Today I am happy and sad all at the same time:) Sad, because my little baby is growing up and is not so much a baby anymore, but happy because she is growing and becoming more and more fun every day. This morning I was remembering when she was born and the memory is still so vivid in my mind. I was in awe of this second little girl that God blessed us with!! I didn't know how I would love another child as much as I loved Megan, but that was not an issue...I loved Gabby the minute I saw her. I think my heart just grew, so that I could love Gabby as much as Megan!


Someday, she'll be a famous pianist
or a high school science teacher.
She'll settle down, marry, have a couple of kids.
Maybe she won't.

Someday, she'll help millions of
people all over the world.
Or maybe she'll travel, send
letters from Africa or phone us from Rome.
Someday, she'll be a strong
confident woman...

...but we'll always remember
the first time we held
her in our arms.

Someday, she'll have her own
hopes and dreams, not knowing
that once upon a quiet time, we
closed our eyes and dreamed
to have her in our life.

2 months old3 months old4 months old5 months old6 months old7 months old8 months old9 months old10 months old11 months oldOne year old!!

I am blessed beyond measure to be her mommy! Gabby we love you so much!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

My dad turns 60!!!

We had a very busy was my dad's 60th birthday!! I used to think 60 was so old, but it doesn't seem that old anymore:) My sister and I were talking about how we remember dad's 40th birthday and we thought that was old...I guess the closer you get to that age the younger it seems!! I'm so glad we got to share this special day with you dad. We love you so much!! Papa Beep and his girls!!
Gabby having a special moment with Uncle Gary...I think she thought he was papa!!We had lots of fun with my family! Everyone came home for the weekend. We had a big birthday party for dad on Saturday afternoon. My dad was very blessed by all the friends that came to celebrate him! The weather was SO nice on Saturday, we spent some time on the deck and some of us even got a little suntan. We went to the beach in the evening and played at the park. The kids had a blast! Then on Sunday morning we had a family brunch and then went for a walk and took some family pictures.Loren and Alicia stayed at our house on Saturday night and it was nice just to hang out and chat with them! Megan enjoyed jumping on their bed in the morning:) Today, Megs asked where aunty and uncle were because she wanted to play with them again! But, now it's only a month until we see them again.Last weekend, Megan got a "new to her" bike from our neighbors. It has training wheels and she loves to sit on it...but doesn't quite get the whole pedaling thing yet! She likes it when we push her, while she sits on the bike:)I am absolutely loving the warmer weather!! I love being outside in the fresh air. I know the girls love it also. I managed to mow the lawn yesterday and so now it definitely feels like spring! We bought a wooden swing set/play center for the girls this weekend. It's going to be their birthday presents. Hopefully, Jeff will put it together in the next couple of days!Here are some fun family photos from yesterday...
Hope you enjoyed all the pictures!!