Friday, April 4, 2008

A week of playdates...

Okay, okay...I know it's time for a new post!! The days and weeks just seem to fly by.

Today I got to have the morning to myself!! What a treat...Jeff's parents watched the kids all morning and I went to a doctor's appointment and then shopping. It's amazing how quickly you can get things done when you're by yourself:) Thank you so much Ama & Papa Dog for looking after the girls! And, of course Megs and Gabs loved hanging out with them...and Molly.We had lots of playdates with friends this week. I think we had 3 mornings playing with friends!! Baby Sarah came over on Tuesday and Megs was so excited to hold her again! She is getting so big now. I think Colleen said she was up to 11 lbs.Jeff had baseball practice on Tuesday night and the girls and I went to watch and just hang out...we didn't last long because it was SO cold. I couldn't believe how cold it was and it was really windy. Then I had soccer practice on Wednesday and it was much warmer!! I'm still not quite ready to put shorts on, but our games start in 2 weeks, so I guess I'll have to then:( I feels so good to get out and exercise and I remember how much I love to play!!

Gabby cut another top tooth this week...that brings her up to 4 teeth! She has not been fussy at all with teething, which I am so thankful for. She is growing up so fast. In 2 weeks she will be one year old!! She is getting to be so much fun. She likes to play with us and she has started "talking" more these days. I have also taught her to sign "milk" and "more" and she's doing really well with that, which is helpful for me.Gabby has had a few "accidents" this week. On Monday, I was sitting with her on the rocking chair and she was wiggling around and she flipped off the rocking chair and hit her forehead on the laminate floor!! She hit it so hard, she had a goose egg on her forehead about 2 minutes later. I was a little worried about her, so I woke up a few times that night to check on her and she was fine. The next morning, she just had a little bruise. Then yesterday, Megan pushed her off the couch and she hit the floor face first!! She has a little red nose from hitting the least it was carpet this time:) Megan got in big trouble for that and so both girls were crying for a while!!

Meggie has not napped for the last 2 days, but she still has a quiet time in her room for a least an hour and then she usually plays quietly in her play room for another hour or so. At least, that gives me a little break. She has been going to bed at night really well, I guess she's exhausted by the end of the day!Meggie has been learning to pray. She likes to pray before meals and then we pray after her. Her prayers go something like this...Dear God, I just bless daddy and daddy's van and daddy's truck and daddy's work. Give mommy a good sleep and daddy a good sleep and Gabby a good night sleep and just bless them! Amen.
It's just the sweetest thing to hear her pray. Sometimes when I put her down for a nap, I hear her praying in her bed. I love that she's so excited to talk to God! Children truly have such amazing faith.

Bye for now!


Greg said...

I love the innocent faith that children can have. Before it's clouded by life. Good to hear you are playing soccer, we could use you on my team if you lived around here.

Keith - Kristen said...

Look at you two and your matching hats, so cute :)
And I love the pic of Gabby on the bed with her hair in the barrette. Looking like suck a little lady.